Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 56

“Good. You?”

“Decent. I left my laptop in Dom’s room. Can I grab it?”

“Sure. Come on in.” He pulls open the door and lets me and Sienna inside. “Dominic’s at the gym. He’s been there for a few hours, so he should be back if you want to wait.”

I wrinkle my nose. “Should I?”

“What she means,” Sienna says, “is give us the dirt, Nate. What’s he saying that she isn’t supposed to know?”

Nate belly laughs and I see Sienna’s gaze go to the sliver of abs that’s visible as his shirt slides up. “Just get to the point, Sienna.”

“It’s how I roll,” she shrugs. “So spill.

“He’s not saying much.”

“And you lie.”

“He’s my brother,” he emphasizes. “If Priss told you shit, would you tell me?”


“And you expect me to tell you stuff?”

“Yes,” she sighs dramatically. “The bro code isn’t the same as the sister code. You still have to tell us stuff.”

Nate looks at me, shaking his head. “How do you deal with this?”

Laughing, I plop down on the sofa. The cushions squeak as they sink into the old springs beneath them.

“Oh!” Nate says, “Check this out.”

He grabs a set of papers from the kitchen and spreads them on the coffee table in front of me. Sienna sits beside me and we take in a bunch of paint samples, light fixture images, and flooring options.

“Nate, if you didn’t know, I love design,” Sienna squeals, sorting through the items like a kid in a candy store.

“That’s what I heard,” he says. “I like this one for the floor. It’s durable and—”

“And keeping it looking nice will be a disaster,” Sienna says, tossing it to the side. “Now this one is durable and would be easy to keep clean.”

“But how are you ever going to match what’s already there with that feel?” I ask. “Unless you’re changing the trim and bar and all that, it’ll look crappy. Even with paint, the styles don’t match.”

My sister’s gaze flies to mine, her eyes shining. “You are good at this.”

“She’s good at a lot of things.”

Our heads twist to the side to see Dominic standing in the doorway. Dressed in red mesh shorts and a sweaty white t-shirt, the sight of him alone makes my entire body clench.

His hair is a mess, his cheeks still red from the workout. Not to mention he’s wearing yesterday’s stubble like it’s a high-fashion accessory.

“We didn’t hear you come in,” Nate says. “I was showing the girls the stuff for the bar.”

Dom’s Adam’s apple bobs. “Cam, why don’t you come here for a minute?” He shoves off the doorway and heads down the hall.

“Go on,” Sienna whispers. I can barely hear her over the blood rushing by my eardrums. “I’ll stay out here with Nate.”

Forcing a swallow of my own, I head down the hall and find Dominic sitting on his bed. I step inside the small room and close the door behind me. My feet stop just a few inches from the threshold as I try to make sense of the look on his face.

He doesn’t smile, doesn’t glare. Gives me nothing to base a decision off of.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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