Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 82

“Don’t hug me or I’ll cry,” she laughs, batting my hands away playfully. “Besides, it makes me feel all dramatic and I hate dramatic.”

“Since when?”

She just laughs in response. “I’m being dumb. I know. He probably has something going on at work and doesn’t want to weigh me down with it. I just need to be patient. This, too, shall pass.”

“I’m sure you’re right.”

Looking up, I see Graham watching us from the other side of the room. He looks distinguished with his silver tie and perfect posture, holding a glass of something dark in his hand.

I flash him a look of shame and he holds his palms out as if to say, “What?” I huff a breath and look back to Mallory. “It’ll be fine. Like you said, just give him some time.”

“Where’s Dominic?” she asks, not-so-smoothly changing topics.

“He didn’t want to come.”

“That’s too bad. We all want to meet him.”

“Are we talking about Dominic?” Alison says from beside me. She leans forward, kissing my cheek, before pulling back and grimacing. “This pregnancy thing is for young people.”

“Like you’re old,” I laugh.

“Much older than I was when I had Huxley,” she admits. “Ellie? Care for some company?”

“Please,” she says, opening her eyes. “I think I just fell asleep.”

“Welcome to my world, sister.”

Sienna comes

back with two bottles of water, one for Ellie and one for Alison. Mallory and I chat for a while about yoga and pizza, our two favorite things, before Huxley appears at our side.

“Miss Camilla,” he says, bowing. “My father would like to speak with you about an urgent matter.”

“Is that so?” I grin. “You are too cute in that suit, Mr. Huxley.”

“It’s Mr. Landry,” he winks, “and let’s use ‘handsome,’ please. ‘Cute’ is for kids.”

“Oh,” I say, making a face at his mother. “Handsome. Yes, Mr. Landry. Please lead me to your father.”

He offers his elbow, making me giggle. I take it and we wind through the room until we’re in a smaller room to the side. Barrett and Graham are chatting in the middle of the space.

“Oh, I get both of you?” I sigh, rolling my eyes. “Thanks for the escort, Hux.”

“No problem.”

I hear the door swing closed behind me as I look at my two oldest brothers. “What can I do for the two of you?”

It’s a rhetorical question. The look on Graham’s face tells me exactly what this is about. I shoot him a look and brace myself for another onslaught.

“Easy, Swink,” Barrett laughs, setting his glass on a table. “You’re getting that killer look in your eye I’ve been hearing about.”

I shoot another blast of it towards Graham for good measure. They both laugh, which only puts me more on edge.

“Look, before you two go—”

“Cam,” Barrett interjects. “Wait a second.” He walks towards me and stops a few feet in front of where I’m standing. “I know about Dominic. I know about Nolan.”

“He can’t help who he’s related to. Look,” I say, almost frantically, “I know Nolan tried to bomb you, Barrett, and I hate him for that. But Dom—”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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