Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 83

“Stop,” he laughs.

My shoulder slump as I heave in a breath and watch my brother’s face.

“Graham and I have been talking about it. I’ll admit, I was pissed off at first. But then, you know what?”


“I remembered back when I started dating Alison and how annoyed I was at everyone saying she was wrong for me because of what it could do to my campaign. How her background looked crappy, because it did, and how she was a single mother and all that. I remember thinking, ‘Why doesn’t anyone care if I’m happy?’ I almost lost her because of that.”

“That’s the same thing I’m thinking,” I say, looking over his shoulder at Graham before resting my eyes on Barrett again.

“If he turns out to be like Nolan, we’ll kill him.”


“I’m kidding.”

“I’m not,” Graham says, causing Barrett to shake his head. “And don’t think we don’t know about what happened to his father. We do. Nick Parker found out for us.”

“You hired a private investigator?” I ask, my jaw dropping. “That’s too far, G. Too far.”

“Hey, that was Dad’s directive,” Graham says, holding up his hands. “He trumped me on that.”

“Oh, shit,” I say, looking at the ceiling and fake crying.

Barrett laughs, moving away and picking up his drink again. “I’ll handle the old man. He’s mellowing out in his old age. I think you’ll be fine.”

“Mellowing out?” I ask. “Maybe to you! He’s as uptight as ever with me and Sienna.”

“He remembered when that happened,” Graham says, coming forward. “I guess Nolan had talked about what an asshole his brother was—Dominic’s dad. He said it was better off that he was dead.”

“But Dom has to live with that,” I point out. “You think that’s easy for him?”

“It couldn’t be,” Barrett admits. “But Dad will be fine. I got you on this.”

“Why are you so supportive?”

He shrugs. “Maybe I’m mellowing out in my old age. Maybe I know how it feels to be in your situation. Either way, I want you happy, Swink, and everyone I’ve talked to says you’re happier than you’ve ever been. Except for Graham. He says you’re meaner,” he winks.

My heart leaps with joy, tears wetting my eyes. “I am happy, Barrett. I really am. And I’m only mean to G when he deserves it.”

Before he can say a word, Huxley is opening the door. “Hey, Dad. Mom wants you.”

“The boss needs me,” he says, shaking my shoulder as he walks by.

It’s just Graham and I, both fighting a smile. “I heard Dom called you.”

“Mallory has a big mouth.”

“That she does. She also told me you’ve been acting weird. Like, weirder than normal.”

He blows out a breath, leaning on one of the round tables in the room. He starts to talk, then stops.

“Spill it, G. What’s going on?”

“Lots of decisions to be made.”

I bite the side of my cheek, trying not to smile. “The answer is yes.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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