Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 105

My phone rings. I look at Nate.

“Answer it,” he insists. “I’ll be in my room. Yell if you need help to the car.”

“To the car?”

“To go see her,” he smiles.

On the third ring, I can’t take it and scoop it up. It’s not her number and I can’t deny that it disappoints me. “Hello?” I ask.


“Yeah. Who’s this?”

“Hey, this is Ford Landry,” he says, sounding surprised.

“Is Cam okay?”

He laughs. “She’s fine. She doesn’t know I’m calling. I don’t sleep a lot, so I was just going to drop you a message for morning.”

“I don’t sleep either.” I struggle to sit up in my chair. “Look, I’m guessing you heard about the fight.”

“I did, but I’m not calling about that.”

“You aren’t?” I ask, surprised.

“No. Mike, a security guy for Landry Security, quit tonight. He’s moving back to Utah or someplace and I’m down a guy. I know you’re injured at the moment and don’t expect an answer right away, but I really think you’d be a great fit.”

My mouth drops and I almost drop the phone. “Did Cam put you up to this?”

He laughs again. “No. She doesn’t know I’m even thinking about it, actually. According to Sienna, she’s been crying for the last twenty-four hours or so.”

“That’s my fault.”

“Then you better fix it.”

“The best solution might not be the answer she wants to hear.”

“As long as you do what’s best for her, that’s all I ask, man. And I have a feeling you will.”

There’s a long silence, both of us letting this conversation sink in. Finally, Ford speaks. “If you aren’t interested, that’s fine. But if you are and think you and Camilla are going to split, I can assure you that my business and Cam are separate. There wouldn’t be an issue.” He clears his throat. “She’s thinking of moving to Illinois with Sienna anyway.”

“She what?” I burst.

“That’s what she said. If she can’t work it out with you, she’s just going to leave.”

I shake my head, trying to lift the fog. She’s leaving? She can’t leave. She can’t leave me.

“Let me ask you a question,” I say.

“Yeah, sure. Shoot.”

“Why do you want to hire me?”

“You’re smart. You’re fearless. I know you’re dependable and a hard worker because I might’ve checked some references. You’re loyal.” He takes a de

ep breath. “I was there last night, Dominic.”

“What?” I must’ve misheard him. “What did you say? You were where last night?”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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