Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 106

“Graham and I slipped in the back and watched the fight. We knew Cam was going.”

“How did you know?”

“Because that’s what we do. She’s a Landry. If she loves you, she’ll stand behind you one hundred percent. So when we found out you were fighting, there was no doubt she’d go. And we wanted to see what you were made of, to be honest. You’re impressive. Very, very impressive.”

“You saw what happened?”

“Of course I did. I couldn’t imagine being you in there and having Ellie up in the stands like that. I would’ve died.”

“I feel like I did,” I wince, getting situated again.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I almost died,” I chuckle, which causes a stabbing sensation to rip through me.

“Get some rest. Think about my offer. Call me when and if you’re ready.”

“I will. Goodnight.”



“THAT WAS AMAZING, VIVIAN,” ELLIE says, rubbing her stomach. “It’s safe to say the baby likes your roasted chicken.”

“I’m not pregnant and my stomach likes it too,” Danielle laughs, giving Ryan a bottle.

“You could be pregnant. Wanna try again?” Lincoln says, wiggling his eyebrows. “We could go for twins this time.”

“You can’t go for twins,” Sienna points out. “And didn’t you tell us you were only having one baby after you almost passed out in the delivery room?”

“I did,” Lincoln admits, “but it’s been awhile. I forgot about how much it hurts.”

“Again,” Danielle says as we all laugh, “I had the baby. Not you.”

We’re draped around the family room of the Farm. There are so many of us now that Mom had new furniture brought in to hold us all. Even still, Mallory, Huxley, and Graham are sitting at the bar in the kitchen.

Everyone is telling stories, making plans, having a good time like we always do together. I sit next to Sienna on a love seat. She’s laughing at something Barrett said, something I missed.

She elbows me in the side. “Hey, you okay?”


“Heard from Dom today?”

I shake my head, my spirits plummeting even more if it’s possible. With each hour that passes that he doesn’t call or text me, I feel him drifting away. Joy suggested I just show up at his house, but I’m scared. I don’t think I could take the rejection face-to-face, not without the adrenaline of fight night. She’s kept me posted on Dom’s recovery and that he’s looking better and getting around better. He’ll go to work tomorrow, and I worry how he’ll handle that.

I miss him. Lord, I miss him.

Each morning, I look for his good morning texts. I wait for the mid-afternoon selfie of him at work. At night, I wait for him to check in to see if I made it home or to roll over and see him next to me.

I miss the safety of his arms, the security of his smile. The feeling of having someone to take care of and knowing someone wants to take care of me.

Looking away from my sister, I dab at my eyes. They’re still swollen, but no one has asked. I think they know. Dad gave me a pained glance and a longer hug than usual, but that’s the only difference from normal.

“Do you remember?” Sienna asks me.

“Remember what?”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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