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Coop (Reckless Souls MC 1)

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“Oh, fuck off, Grace, with your holier than thou bullshit. You know that guy is bad news, but you’re too afraid to say so.”

Kenna scoffs at her friend and pushes away from the table with ten pounds of attitude.

“Find your own ride home, then.”

McKenna stands there with a superior smile on her face, waiting for Grace to apologize.

“Okay, I will. I’ll just call my boyfriend,” Grace shoots back with a cheesy grin. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to pick me up.”

McKenna gasps in shock. “Boyfriend? What boyfriend? You never said anything about a boyfriend.”

“You never asked,” Grace adds as she stands with her hands on her hips. “Go on, leave. I’ll wait here with these two if they don’t mind?”

“We don’t,” I tell her with a smile I know will piss McKenna off more than she already is. “I might even split this éclair with you.”

“Excellent,” she says to me, turning her back to my sister a second before McKenna storms out in a huff.

“Drama queen,” I mutter and watch as McKenna stomps through the parking lot to her car that’s a few years older than my Lexus. “Thanks for sticking up for me, Grace. I appreciate it.”

Grace looks up from her phone and shrugs off my thanks, a small blush forming on her lips.

“You can’t help who you fall for,” she says wistfully. “But McKenna is right about one thing. The biker life can be dangerous, but those bad boys are so fucking hot. Just stay alert and careful.” Her phone pings and she gets up from her seat. “I gotta run. See ya soon.”

“Bye, girl.”

I think about her words, wondering to myself if Coop is worth it when the answer comes clear and undeniable.

Hell, yes, he is.

Chapter Sixteen


Somehow, I find myself waiting outside the psych building on Kelsey’s college campus, waiting for her to exit instead of working back at Ace Motors or at the clubhouse trying to deal with all the other shit going on in my world.

I lean against my bike with my arms crossed over my chest, my feet crossed at the ankles, looking like a man without a care in the world. I’m in too deep with this girl, and I damn well know it. This isn’t me. I’m not the guy who waits for a girl after school and offers to carry her books. Hell, I didn’t do that shit when I was in school.

Yet here I am. Waiting for Kelsey.

And when she walks out of the building, wearing a wide grin as she chats with an older woman, I’m not disappointed. She’s a hot, classy chick with a gray, distressed leather bag slung over one shoulder, deep in conversation with the woman sporting silver hair.

Skin-tight denim clings to her long, shapely legs, pointy stilettos make her legs seem endless, and a frilly, feminine shirt shows off just enough cleavage to remind me why I’m here.

To see her.

The moment Kelsey spots me, her feet stop for a fraction of a second, and a smile lights up her face. She says goodbye to her friend, who gives her a knowing look before heading down the tree-lined quad in the opposite direction. I keep my gaze on her as she strolls—no, saunters—over to me, slow and sexy. Seductive as fucking hell.

“Fancy meeting you here.”

A low chuckle escapes at her strange wording. “Don’t know about being fancy, but here I am.”

Still too fucking far away, Kelsey looks me up and down and bites her bottom lip. “Here you are. Looking good enough to eat.”

“Kelsey,” I say and reach for her waist, pulling her body flush against mine, evidence of my hard dick pressed between us.

She’s a breath away from me, but it’s still too fucking far away. So, I crash my lips down on hers, fusing our lips together in a slow burn of a kiss that started a fire deep inside of me. It grows and grows as her tongue slips between my lips and dances against mine.

She sucks my tongue, and I lose my shit, grabbing her ass and pressing her as close as she could be without me actually consuming her.

I kiss her like I haven’t seen her in years, like I need her. Like my life depends on it, which is strange as shit because my life depends on one thing, always has, always will. Me. Nobody but me. That thought pulls us apart, slowly.

“You have time for me?”

Heat lights her blue eyes, and Kelsey nods slowly, looking seriously pleased by the question.

“Just finished my last class of the day. Lucky me.”

“Lucky me,” I shoot back with a smile. “Wanna get out of here?”

She nods. “Hell, yeah.”

“Good.” I take her school bag and store it in my saddlebag and push the helmet over her long blonde hair before I fasten the chin strap.

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