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Coop (Reckless Souls MC 1)

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“To wrap my arms around your hot body with the roar of the engine vibrating between my thighs? Yeah!”

The last words are breathless, her skin is flushed, and dammit, I’m hard and aching with want. Need.

“Trouble,” I mutter under my breath before settling on the bike, waiting for Kelsey to join me.

“Who, me?” She whispers the question innocently in my ear, and I tell my cock to settle down as I start the engine and get on the road.

The feel of her tits against my back, her lean arms around me feels right, and I try to focus on the road ahead.

As the miles go by, the college town gives way to dry desert land with the odd cactus here and there, mountains springing from the earth in the distance. Small towns come and go in the blink of an eye while I savor the feel of Kelsey’s curves against my back.

I could ride like this all day, but I find the place I’m looking for and catch the next exit a little too fast, causing Kelsey to tighten her grip around me.

“You did that on purpose.”

“You feel good,” I tell her in response as soon as I turn off the bike.

“No, you feel good,” she purrs in my ear and presses a kiss to the back of my neck. Then she pushes on my shoulders and jumps from the bike with a groan. “My legs are still vibrating.” She laughs and shakes her head.

“Want me to do something about that?” I don’t need an excuse to want this girl, but right now, I want her. Badly.

Kelsey looks to the left. Desert and sand and rock as far as the eye can see. She looks right where the small pizza shack sits, a small motorcycle in the dirt lot, two wooden picnic tables beyond that.

“I do,” she sighs, and her shoulders fall in disappointment. “But it looks like we’re exposed from every angle.”

“Later,” I growl over my shoulder with a promise in my eyes.

“I’ll hold you to that.” She’s right in front of me as I swing a leg around the bike and stand up. “But right now, I could go for a slice or two.”

My eyes widen in surprise. This little shack, a literal shack with the most delicious smells wafting out of it, isn’t the kind of place I imagine a girl like Kelsey is used to, but she smiles at the quirky joint and quickens her steps toward the open window where a crusty old-timer leans out, a crooked smile on his face as he takes in the hotness that is Kelsey.

He sizes her up and leans back. “What can I get for ya, beautiful?”

I prepare to step in if I need to, but Kelsey laughs. “Aren’t you a charmer? I’d like one of those extra-large slices with the works, and please tell me they’re the kind you have to fold up to eat.”

Her answer satisfies the old dude, and he laughs. “And just where do you plan to put it all?”

She laughs again and leans in as if she’s about to share some big secret with him. “I have a fast metabolism. Either that or it’s totally going to catch up with me in a few years. Either way, it’ll be worth it.”

The old dude lets out a rusty laugh as if he hasn’t used it much lately, a twinkle in his eye.

“Nothin’ wrong with a woman with some meat on her bones, honey. Ain’t that right, sonny boy?” His silver gaze takes me in, a proud smile on his face.

“Nothing at all,” I agree, giving her another once over with heat burning up my gaze.


That one word comes out on a sigh, and she turns from the old dude to me, leveling me with one of those fucking smiles that says she thinks I’m something wonderful, which is strange because only my Ma thinks I’m something wonderful.

The old dude clears his throat, and I hold up two fingers, never breaking Kelsey’s gaze.

“Make it two slices and two sodas,” I tell him, and then he shuffles off, leaving me alone with Kelsey. Finally.

“Hey, Coop.”

Damn, that husky voice is like a double shot of tequila with a punch to the gut chaser. “Hey, Kels.”

“Haven’t seen you around in a while.” Her tone is casual, not accusatory, and that only makes me want to be closer to her.

I smile at her non-question and get in her personal space. “Been busy.”

“Club business?” she asks softly.

I laugh. “Always.”

Her blue gaze searches my face as her hands land on my shoulders. “Everything good?”

Her question brings me up short. She wouldn’t be the first chick to try and honeypot one of the guys. Pretty sure that’s how our VP ended up where he is now, on month nine of a thirteen-month stretch on a weapons charge. My brows furrow and my heart rate kicks up in self-preservation.

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