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Coop (Reckless Souls MC 1)

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“Why do you ask?”

She shrugs her delicate shoulders and removes her hands from my shoulders, leaving them cold after the heat of her touch. Her thumbs slide up my cheeks to swipe under my eyes.

“You aren’t sleeping. Those purple crescents are a dead giveaway.”

Damn, this girl was good, but I shrug off her clear concern because it reeks of an emotional connection. A relationship.

“Maybe I’ve just been missing you too bad to sleep.” And dammit if it’s not a little bit true.

Kelsey throws her head back and laughs, the move pressing her tits, her tight nipples against my chest.

“I would love it if that were true, but even I’m not that important or impressive.”

A flash of sadness, or maybe it’s disappointment, flashes in her pretty blue eyes, and I don’t like it.

“You’re pretty fucking impressive, Kels. Don’t sell yourself short.”

Pleasure lights her eyes as a soft sigh escapes. “I’m not really, but thanks for thinking so.”

How could a woman, a rich girl at that, be so sweet, so easy to please?

“Everything is not good,” I sigh, trying hard not to ruin this time by thinking of Hector and the fucking Iron Kings. “But it will be. Soon.”

She shivers at my words. “So hot when you talk like that.”

I let out another laugh and move her aside as the old dude comes back to the window with our slices, served on flimsy paper plates, drinks served in foam cups filled with ice.

“Here you kids go. Enjoy.”

Kelsey turns with a blinding smile for the old guy and a grunt of satisfaction for the pizza.

“Thanks. It smells wonderful.”

We take over one of the picnic tables and sit side-by-side, facing the unfriendly desert beyond.

“How’s school?” It’s a dumbass question, but I want to have a mundane conversation right now. Need to.

“School itself is good, but I haven’t heard back from any of the med school programs I applied to yet. I’m starting to get worried.”

The admission comes with another nibble of her bottom lip and dammit, my guts clench for her. Her pain is palpable, and that breaks my own heart just a little bit.

“It’s still early, right?”

She nods wordlessly.

“You’ll hear from them soon,” I assure her, no clue what the fuck I’m talking about.

Kelsey smiles. “And if I don’t?”

I shrug. “Apply to more schools.”

She shoots me that Mr. Wonderful smile again. “How are things with your club?”

I shrug. “There’s always some shit to deal with, and we always find a way to deal with it.”

She nods and lets out a long, deliberative breath before turning to me, worry darkening her blue eyes. “You’ll be safe, won’t you, Coop?”

I nod and flash a confident smile her way. “You worried about me?”

She hears the playfulness in my tone and nods. “Of course, I am. I mean, no one makes me come like you do, and I’m not ready to lose that.”

I laugh and toss my half-eaten pizza on the table to wrap this beautiful, crazy, sexy woman in my arms. I need to brush my lips across hers.

“I like you too, Kelsey.” Too fucking much, in fact. I do like her, more than I should because I don’t have time for a woman, especially a woman like her.

Most especially not with all the shit the MC is dealing with right now.

At that thought, my Ma’s voice floats through my mind. “Love doesn’t give a shit whether you’re ready or not, son. Love works on its own schedule.”

It’s a damn good thing this isn’t love.

Chapter Seventeen


“What are you wearing?” McKenna’s voice sounds behind me as I take in my appearance in the full-length mirror in the corner of my dressing room.

I turn to face her, hands on my hips and a sly smile on my face.

“They’re called clothes, Kenna. This is what fashion looks like when you give a damn about your appearance.”

She rolls her eyes. “Going out with the biker again?”

“I’m going out with Ruby, not that it’s any of your damn business. Curling up with a hot, muscly book boyfriend tonight, Kenna?”

Kenna lets out a huff. “Whatever. Just be safe, yeah?”

I nod. “I will. I promise.” She leaves, and I give my appearance one more look. The black denim pants fit like a glove, and the white lace top with a black demi-bra underneath cranked up the sex appeal by about ten thousand points.

I smile, grab my small red clutch and hurry down the stairs because Ruby will be here soon, and I don’t want to run into Daddy before I leave.

Rushing down the curved staircase, I come to a stop five steps before I reach the foyer. I hear Daddy talking in the living room. Shit, too late.

“I have one of those, too,” I hear him say as I freeze in place. “Kelsey is too immature for her own good, and she needs to grow up.”

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