It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 76

“Yes, I do.”


“So one day when we tell our kids the funny story of the first time I met their grandma and grandpa, I can tell them how I stood beside you, then charmed the pants off both of them. Add in the story of how we met, and we have entertaining things to talk about at parties for years.”

“Well, I’m not sure how fast my husband will give up his pants, but keep talking about a future with my daughter, and you have a good chance of getting mine, young man.” Mom chuckled as she stepped in behind Daniel and winked at him. “I would like to hear about how you met, and why we haven’t heard more about you until a few minutes ago.” She reached for the tray. “I’ll take the tray, Avery. Try to keep her away from the mints, Daniel. Hugs can usually help her calm down, too.”

I gaped at her and Daniel smiled. His best, jaw-dropping, sexy smile that got me every time. He leaned down and dropped a kiss on my mom’s cheek. “On it.”

She picked up the sugar, adding it to the tray, trying not to grin. “From what I saw earlier, that much is obvious. Try to rein it in while Doug is around. His eye is twitching.”

“I can do that.”

“Good. Bring the coffee when it’s ready. Oh! Cupcakes. Your father’s favorite. That will help.”

I stared after her as Daniel wrapped me in his arms. “Your mother’s orders.” He pressed a kiss to my head.

The coffee maker beeped and he picked up the pot. “Let’s go face the music.”

I poured some cream into the jug. “Okay.”


I finally understood the expression “cut the tension with a knife.” No matter what I did, how polite I tried to be, I couldn’t get Avery’s father to talk. All I got were a few humphs, and a grunt to my queries of their trip. Doug Connor was going to be a hard nut to crack.

Not that I could blame him. I knew what it looked like when I answered the door. Well, it looked like exactly what it was. I had spent the afternoon fucking his daughter. I saw the way his gaze swept around the apartment, lingering on the broken lamp pieces, the dented shade, and the mess of papers haphazardly piled up on the table by the door—and the scattered mints. I swallowed thinking of the bathroom. If he got there ahead of me and saw the shower curtain on the floor and the towels strewn around, soaking up the puddles of water, I was undoubtedly, as Avery feared, a dead man.

Avery sat beside me, her fingers worrying the long hem of her shirt. I knew she was eyeing up the mints across the room, but didn’t want to get up and get them.

I slid my hand into my pocket, fishing one out and slipping it into her palm.

With a small sigh, she popped it in her mouth, crunching away. It was the biggest tell for her. If she sucked on it, it was for enjoyment. If she ate it, she was tense. Judging from the sound of the candy being crushed, I would say she was beyond tense. Not caring if her father was watching us, I wrapped my hand around hers and lifted it to my mouth, kissing the knuckles, leaving our entwined fingers on my thigh.

He glared at my leg, but I refused to let Avery’s fingers go. I knew what he was trying to do, except I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me.

Finally, he set down his mug, with a loud thunk.

“What is it you do that is out of town, Daniel? Besides, of course, spending the weekends with my daughter.”

I didn’t react. Instead, I drained my mug, squeezed Avery’s hand, and dropped a kiss to her head. “Great coffee.”

I turned to her father. “I’m a vet. I run a practice with my brother-in-law and sister.”

“How wonderful,” Janett gushed.

“You live with them, too? Is that why you escape on the weekends?” Doug asked sardonically.

Avery began to speak up, but I held up my hand.

“No, sir. I own my own home. I own the practice as an equal partner. My truck is paid for in full, I have a good investment portfolio, and no huge debts. I’m close to my family, and for the record, I don’t usually come here on the weekends. I have Avery stay with me since she enjoys getting away from the city.”

“You have women stay at your place a lot?”

“Dad,” Avery hissed. “Knock it off.”

I waved away her objections. “Avery is the first woman I have had stay at my home. I don’t do casual relationships, Mr. Connor. In fact, I’m rather insulted you think Avery would be involved in one. I think you know your daughter better than that.”

“Is that a fact?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024