It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 77

“It is. Another fact is, although I’m sorry we met under such, ah, uncomfortable circumstances, I am pleased to meet you. Avery means a great deal to me, and I hope, at some point, we can be friends.”

“Friends?” He snorted.

“The person I spend the rest of my life with will be my family; therefore, her family will become part of mine. Friends would be the least of what I hope we will become.”

Avery’s eyes widened at my declaration. Her mother gasped and clutched her hands together. Her father’s shoulders sagged a little.

“Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” he muttered. “I was just asking. It’s my job, you know.”

I eased back, not releasing my grip on Avery’s hand. “Understood. However, I’m not Tommy Forsyth,” I stated, reminding him of Avery’s teenage first date he terrified all those years ago. “You can’t scare me that easily.” Letting go of her hand, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, drawing her close. “I love your daughter, and she is too old for your curfews anymore.”

“You think so, young man?”

I met his gaze. “I know so.”

“We’re not finished yet.”

“I hardly expected to be. Just stating my case.”

Avery leaned forward. “You are finished, Dad. I love him. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. And he treats me like a queen.”

“A little warning might have been nice.”

“Right back at you.”

He pursed his lips, studying his daughter. “Not quite the same, young lady.”

She smiled; one that curled her lip to the side so it was crooked and sweet. “I wasn’t ready to share him yet. I knew you’d get all overprotective and fatherish on me. I was worried you’d show up and embarrass me.”

He winked, reaching for a cupcake. “Good thing that didn’t happen.”

It was as if the air grew ten times lighter. Everyone relaxed and I turned to Avery, thrilled at her declaration. That was twice today her words undid me. Hearing her declare she loved me did something to my body, infusing it with heat and the need to be connected to her. Slowly, I slipped my hand up her neck, enjoying the feel of her soft skin. I knew I was being watched, but at that moment, I didn’t care. I tugged her to my side, pressing a kiss to her full lips. “Thanks, Sprite. I needed that.”

“Anytime,” she promised.


chuckled against her mouth. “Let’s hope this is a one-time occurrence.”

Her father cleared his throat.

I took my time drawing back, refusing to let him dictate when I could show Avery affection. I enjoyed touching her too much. I dug into my pocket, snagging the last mint, and slipped it between her lips. She hummed, this time savoring the treat. I watched, fascinated as she rolled it on her tongue, humming in enjoyment. It reminded me of the shower earlier, and the way she had used her tongue on my cock. I blinked and breathed to control my body’s response to the memory in my head. I stood, excused myself, and hurried down the hall to the bathroom—both to distance myself from being so close to Avery and to set the room to rights before her parents saw it.

I might have won over Janett, but Doug wasn’t a sure thing yet.

I’d made my point already, but there was no need to poke the lion with a stick. I’d save that for another time.


After returning from righting the bathroom, I sat with Avery and her parents for a short while. Then I made a few excuses to leave. I knew she needed time with them to discuss what they had discovered was happening with her life. As much as I hated leaving her, it was best to give them privacy.

Prior to leaving, I invited them to brunch at my parents’ the next day. My thoughts were twofold. I could see Avery again, they could meet my family, and they would know I wasn’t some sort of degenerate who lived with his sister and sponged off his family. I could talk all I wanted, but to see my life would convince Doug and Janett how serious I was about Avery.

Avery walked me to the door and stepped out in the hall with me.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, winding her arms around my neck.

Chuckling, I lifted her up. “Nothing to be sorry for, Sprite. It was certainly a unique way to meet your parents, but I survived.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024