An Unexpected Gift (Insta-Spark) - Page 18


The movie was almost over. Holly was curled into me, the room dark except for the lights of our little tree and the dull glow from the TV. My arm was around her, my fingers caressing her shoulder as we chuckled over Chevy Chase's ridiculous antics. We had already watched A Christmas Carol and decided we needed something a little more upbeat for the second movie. She had been quiet for the last few moments and looking down, I saw her eyes were shut, her breathing deep and even. She was so tired. She didn't get much sleep last night because of me, and then she worked again today. Smiling, I shut off the TV and carefully lifted her into my arms, carrying her down the hall and laying her on the bed. She stirred, her eyes blinking open, and she gazed up at me sleepily. "Hi."

I nuzzled her head. "It's late. Go to sleep."

She held out her arms. "Stay."

I shut off the light and slipped in beside her after I pulled off my clothes. Wrapping my arms around her, I sighed. There was nowhere else I wanted to be.

Part of me, though, wished she were asking for forever.

The first thing I saw the next morning were Holly's blue eyes staring at me, wide and excited. Between us was a fuzzy stocking that she pushed toward me.

Grinning, I pulled myself upright. "For me?"

She nodded.

"I've never had a stocking before."


I shook my head. "No. Lots of gifts, but never stockings." I looked at her sadly. "I didn't think to make you one."

She smiled. "I got one once. It was my favorite Christmas. I-I just wanted to make you one." She pushed it toward me. "Open it!"

It was full. Chocolate, socks, small puzzles, candy, and other items came out as I delved into it. Each one made me smile. Each item earned her a kiss. When it was empty, I pulled her onto my lap and showed her my own version of a full Christmas sock. I couldn't get enough of her mouth or her warmth. Joining with her was perfection. I groaned my orgasm into her neck, while she cried out her pleasure loudly.

Laughing and sated, we sipped coffee and ate toasted bagels sitting at the counter, then grabbed more coffee and entered the living room. Holly tried to hide her delight, but her eyes were dancing when we sat down by the tree. I loved seeing the expression of excitement on her face, knowing I had helped put it there. I handed her a gift, watching with barely suppressed enjoyment as she opened it. She took her time, relishing the process of unwrapping the gift slowly. Her smile of delight at the deep blue cashmere scarf and mittens was heartwarming. Her kiss warmed other parts of me.

She sighed in pleasure at the bath products Leslie helped me pick out, assuring me they were Holly's favorite scent. Holly immediately pulled out the hand lotion, insisting on testing it out not only on herself but me as well. I teased her, telling her it smelled far better on her.

I swallowed nervously handing her the last gift. The one I really wanted to give her and hoped she would accept.

She took it, eyeing the small, narrow box warily. She opened it with great care.

"Evan!" she gasped.

Smiling, I lifted the delicate handmade aquamarine necklace from the box. The color of the stone reminded me of her eyes, and I wanted to see her wear it. Surrounded by pearls, the gem was lovely and unique—just like she was. It looked perfect, nestled on her collarbone.

"It's so beautiful." Her kiss was warm and lingering. "I'll wear it every day." Another kiss followed. Her voice dropped, tinged with sadness. "I'll think of you when I wear it."

Before I could respond, she pushed a box into my hands. It was a large package, and I was filled with curiosity. I took my time opening the box and paused as I saw the contents. I ran my fingers over the smooth finish of the beautifully carved set of angel wings nestled in the tissue paper. I had seen and admired them in Leslie’s store the day before. I had even chatted for a short time with the old man who had carved them, watching as he worked on another piece in the corner of the shop where he did his carving. I enjoyed wood carving, but my figures were nowhere near the delicate beauty of his. I had held these up and thought how great they would look over my fireplace, but then put them down, distracted by a question sent my way. Holly must have seen me look at them and gone back to get them for me. I remembered her casual remark of having errands to run in the afternoon. I could take them with me, and the memory of what they represented would stay with me always.

My Angel. Holly.

I smiled at her. "They're exquisite."

She returned my smile sweetly, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I saw you looking at them yesterday," she confirmed. "I thought maybe they would help you remember this Christmas."

My breath caught. I pulled her face close to mine. "I'll never forget this Christmas. I'll never forget you, Angel." My mouth covered hers, parting her lips and kissing her with all the emotion I was feeling. She returned my kiss with the same intense emotion. I pulled her closer so she was straddling my lap. She tugged on my hair as she whimpered softly. When we pulled back, I felt the loss of her warmth.

"There's one more," she whispered as she reached under the tree and handed me a long, heavier package. I leaned back, unwrapped the box and frowned. "Holly, it's too much."

"No," she insisted. "I heard you talking to Lionel about carving, and when I went back, he told me to tell you to get these chisels. He says they're the best. I asked him where to purchase them and he had an extra set, so I bought them off him."


"Please accept them," she begged. "It means a lot to me. I could hear how much you enjoyed doing this while you spoke to Lionel, and I wanted to give you something useful for your hobby." Her smile was shaky. "Maybe you could make me something."

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024