Un-Shattering Lucy (Lucy & Harris 4) - Page 16

My legs wrapped around his waist and he swallowed a vicious curse as I forced him inside of me completely.

The slice of pain as his thickness tore through my hymen had me gasping for breath. He went completely still over me, his breathing coming in choppy pants as he tried to give me the time I needed to adjust to being invaded by him.

Pushing up on his elbows, he lifted his head so he could look down at me. “You okay, sweetness?”

“Y-yes,” I said with a nod. “I’m good now. Just…just go slow.”

He gave a single nod, his jaw clenched as he started to pull back. I gasped as the friction of his body slid over distressed tissue, but when he thrust back into me there was no pain, only a new tenderness that left me all that more attuned to how good he felt inside of me. Harris took his time for a few more minutes, making sure that I was okay and enjoying it before he increased his pace.

I arched my hips, meeting him thrust for thrust as the pleasure started to build to blinding proportions once again. There wasn’t a single thought in my head but coming again. I reached out for him, my nails slicing unknowingly into his back as his hips pumped into me over and over again.

“Oh, God. This is better than I could have dreamed, sweetness. You feel so fucking good. You’re so tight and so wet for me.” He couldn’t seem to stop himself as he increased his pace, but I was happy to oblige him. “Fucking hell, Lu. I’m close.”

His words shot me over the edge I’d been on and over the cliff into paradise. I felt Harris stiffen above me, heard him shout my name, then there was nothing but sweet oblivion.


My heart rate was slowly returning to normal, my breathing finally regulating until I could take a lungful. My body was still shaking from the intensity of a release from an ache that had been building from the day I’d first realized I was in love with Lucy Thornton.

Fucking hell.

My head shot up as everything slowly came back to me and I realized how badly I’d just fucked up. This shouldn’t have happened. Not like this. Lucy deserved so much more, so much better. A quick fuck when she probably had the mother of all hangovers was not how I’d ever planned on our first time happening. Before my life had gone to hell in Tessa’s hand basket, I’d had plans for us. A night out followed by flowers and the kind of slow lovemaking that romance books were made of. I’d wanted to show her with my body how much she meant to me.

What had I done instead? Jumped on her like a stag in rut. Taken her virginity when I wasn’t even sure if it was still mine to take. I hadn’t prepared her enough, hadn’t given her small body time to adjust to my large size. I’d probably hurt her.

“Are you okay?” I was able to get out in a choked voice.

Her eyes slowly blinked open and she smiled up at me.

For about a second.

Then those dark eyes that had been so full of a happiness I hadn’t seen in them in too fucking long turned stormy before her lashes lowered, hiding her emotions from me. It felt like a slap in the face but nothing I didn’t deserve. I’d seriously fucked up. “I’m fine,” she muttered, pushing her soft hands against my sweat dampened chest.

I moved willingly, wanting to give her the space she needed. I might have fucked up, but I was going to fix this. I had to fix it. Lucy was too much a part of me not to at least fight for us this time around.

She sat up in bed and started to get up. The quick inhale she took told me she was in pain before she even dropped back down on the edge of the bed. “Is this Kin’s room?” she muttered.

I wasn’t sure if she was actually asking me or talking to herself, but I answered her anyway. “Yeah. I wanted you to be closer to the bathroom in case you got sick again.”

She covered her face with her hands. “Oh, good gods. I’m never drinking again.”

I reached out, rubbed my hand over her back. Her head shot around and I quickly dropped my hand. She was naked and that small touch was already affecting my body in a very obvious way. The look on her face, however, told me that she wasn’t in the mood. Not that I would have taken her a second time. She was hurting and it wasn’t just from the hangover either.

The red spot on the sheets where Lucy had been lying just moments before was screaming at me loud and clear that I’d caused her physical pain. Fucking hell. I would have given anything not to have hurt her, but at the same time I was glad to be the one to have taken her virginity. Maybe it wasn’t mine to take, but I had and I would hold on to that for the rest of my life.

Slower this time, Lucy stood, taking one of the sheets with her to wrap around her enticing little body as she did. Good. Now temptation was covered up. Her head turned left and right as if she was looking for somethi

ng. When her gaze landed on the bedside clock, her face paled. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. I’m dead. Aunt Emmie is going to blow a gasket.”

I took a look at the clock, saw that it was after one in the afternoon and groaned. I needed to get to work, but Lucy was more important. I couldn’t leave her unless I knew she was going to be okay. And that she would see me again.

“Can I take you home?” I was already reaching for my boxers, making sure my dick was out of sight before I ended up making another mistake with it.

“I’d rather you didn’t,” she grumbled as she headed for the bathroom.


“Can I call you later?”

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Lucy & Harris Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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