Devil in a Suit - Page 19

“Just can’t take too many risks,” I replied, slightly lifting my eyebrows at her. Lately, she had been toeing the line with me. She was fully aware of that, but she had to realize just how close she was getting to me. She was dangerously close, and I didn’t want to have to push her back.

“Keep working hard,” I told her, holding her gaze for a few more seconds before forcing myself to walk away. My fingertips lightly brushed her back as I turned away, leaving my skin buzzing from the brief touch. I rubbed my fingertips together, trying to cover up the confused expression on my face as I walked out of the conference room.

I didn’t know what that was all about. It was weird. I merely grazed her, and my skin tingled. I was thinking way too much about this girl. She was my intern, and that was all that she needed to be. The last thing that I needed to do was complicate my life and my business even more. I was already up to my eyes in work.

No matter how much she interested me, I was still the boss. I had to remain acting as such, or things around here would continue to slip, which I couldn’t deal with. Madison had a mind for marketing that I could use. That was the extent of what she could offer me. I didn’t need to accept anything else. I had to set boundaries, even if a part of me wanted to cross them.

Chapter 7


Class was the last thing on my mind as I sat in my nine o’clock capstone class the next morning. I rested my chin in my hand as I stared blankly ahead at the front of the classroom. Nick and Hannah were away at some conference for one of their organizations, leaving me to sit there with a head full of confusing thoughts.

I felt like I was going through whiplash. One moment, I despised Tyler and his snappy attitude. The next moment, I found myself thinking about his dark eyes or the way his button-down shirts were tight around his biceps and chest.

I subtly shook my head at myself. He was the last person that I needed to have on my mind. I didn’t want to be attracted to someone like him, but some sort of spark went off yesterday when his fingers brushed my shoulder. I wasn’t even sure if he did it on purpose or by accident, but it made a shiver run through my entire body.

Just thinking about how he came close to me and placed his hand on my chair made me cross my legs, capturing the brief glow of heat between my thighs. The anger that I felt at myself for getting turned on by merely his touch only added to the heat that coursed through my body. It felt so wrong, but it also felt so good.

What if Sara hadn’t been in the room? Would he have done something more? I closed my eyes briefly, lowering my head to pretend like I was staring at my notes. I pictured yesterday differently in my head, imagining if things had gone a little further than just a little touch on the shoulder.

Instead of stopping at my shoulder, Tyler moved his hand to the back of my neck, gripping the base as he leaned down to capture my lips in a heated kiss. His fingers moved into my hair, pulling the strands free from my ponytail as his tongue brushed against mine. Everything moved so fast, heat spreading throughout my body. Before I knew it, he picked me up out of the chair and sat me down on the table, slipping between my legs. His hands worked up my thighs, pushing up my skirt and tugging off my panties as I tore at his belt. In one smooth move, he buried himself inside of me, making my moans echo throughout the room.

I snapped out of my heated daydream, feeling warmth burn my cheeks. I couldn’t believe I just fantasized about Tyler having his way with me in the conference room. What was wrong with me? I wasn’t supposed to even like the guy! We had one good interaction, and now I was lowering my guard. I only knew him through work, and there was no reason for me to let him close. Besides, I was an intern at his company. It would be wrong of us to engage in anything outside of a professional relationship. I needed to keep my distance from him as much as possible before I did something stupid. However, I didn’t want to completely shut him out. If I was honest with myself, he was the best person for me to learn from because of his success. He had been in my shoes before. Now, he was the CEO of a successful company. I wanted that same success for myself, and I wanted to impress him and prove that I could do so as well. It was a tough line to walk.

Tags: Sarah J. Brooks Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024