Following Maggie (Coming Home) - Page 16

In the light of the day, I gazed around the rooms I had seen only hours ago, now taking in the details. I could see lots of small projects and a few bigger ones that I would need to do. I liked the fact that Maggie needed work done—it would make me feel useful and productive. I wanted to feel needed by Maggie. I had a feeling I was going to need her just as much.

When the coffee was done, I shoved my feet into my sneakers, grabbed my coat, and went outside. The sun was shining and warm on my face, although the air was cold and snow was everywhere. I sipped the hot beverage, enjoying the quiet of the area, until a surprised voice startled me.


I turned and met the curious gaze of a woman walking up the driveway. She was holding a casserole in her hand but seemed puzzled as she stopped at the bottom of the steps.

“Hello.” I smiled at her. “You must be Eleanor.”

She looked even more surprised.

“I am. And you would be?”

I held out my hand. “Sebastian.”

She shook my hand, still frowning. “I was expecting someone else.”

I nodded. “Maggie. I know. She’s still asleep. With all the delays, it was a long trip home for her, and she’s pretty tired.” I stepped back, indicating the door. “Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?”

She hesitated, and I had to laugh. “I assure you, Maggie is upstairs, asleep. If you want, I’ll wait out here, and you can go in and check on her.”

She shrugged sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m sure you weren’t expecting Maggie to drag home a stray.”

“Is that what you are, Sebastian? A stray?”

The door opened behind me, and Maggie spoke. “No, he’s not a stray. He was lost, but he’s home now.”

Turning, I pulled Maggie close, dropping a kiss on her head. “Yeah, I think I am.”

Eleanor beamed at both of us, then reached over to hug Maggie, telling her how glad she was to meet her. Maggie started thanking her for all her help and looking after the house, so I stepped inside to give them some privacy, knowing her dad would be brought up and Maggie would get emotional. I grabbed some more mugs and poured the coffee, refilling mine.

When they came in a few moments later, I could see I was right. Maggie’s eyes were misty, and I lifted her hand, kissing the palm before pressing it to my face in silent understanding. I took the casserole Eleanor had brought and put it in the refrigerator, then joined them to finish my coffee.

Eleanor was warmth personified. She listened to Maggie’s story of meeting me in the airport, her eyes wide when she realized we’d only known each other such a short time. Then she shook her head. “You seem so right together.”

“We are,” Maggie and I stated in unison, then laughed.

“You don’t seem shocked,” I observed.

Eleanor grinned. “I met my Patrick on a Wednesday, and we moved in together that weekend. We were married a month later—that was fifteen years ago. Sometimes your soul just knows.”

Maggie spoke up. “Your husband—he’s a doctor, correct?”

“Yes. He’s working today, but he’s off tomorrow night. Maybe you and Sebastian would like to come for dinner? I’d love to get to know the two of you more. We’re going to be neighbors after all.”

“We’d love to, Eleanor. Thank you.” Maggie beamed. I could tell how much she liked Eleanor already, and I had to admit it was an easy thing to do. I liked her as well.

“What do you do, Sebastian?”

I shrugged. “Whatever I have to. I’m going to take a walk later and put in some applications. I want to find a job and then start working on some repairs in the house for Maggie.”

“You’re a handyman?”

“I have a lot of construction experience. I need to see what tools Maggie has and what I’ll need to get.”

“Sebastian’s a brilliant musician too,” Maggie stated, sounding proud.

I lowered my head, feeling embarrassed. “I hold my own.”

Eleanor clapped her hands. “You can borrow some of Patrick’s tools. Why he has them, I have no idea. He’s a brilliant doctor, but he can’t hammer a nail to save his life. I have a list of things to be done, and I’ve been looking for someone to take on the job—if you’re interested.”

“I’d be happy to have a look. Are you sure Patrick won’t mind?”

She chuckled. “The last time he tried to do a repair, I had to drive him to the hospital for stitches. The nurses had a good laugh when Dr. Ruggers became the patient. I doubt he wants to experience that again—his ego took a big hit that day.”

I frowned at her. “Dr. Ruggers?”


“That’s my surname as well.”

“Really? It’s an uncommon name. Maybe you’re related.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024