Following Maggie (Coming Home) - Page 17

“My father never mentioned any family aside from the two of us, but maybe so.”

“You’ll have to chat with Patrick about that tomorrow.” She stood. “Now, I have to go and do some errands. Do you need a lift anywhere, Sebastian?”

“No, I’ll walk around, but thank you.”

“Okay. Dinner tomorrow at six. If you need anything before then, just come across the street or call. Maggie has the information.”

With a final hug to both of us, she left.

Maggie smiled at me shyly, and I drew her into my arms, grazing her cheek with my lips. “Hi.”


“Sleep well?”

“I slept very well.” She grinned up at me. “You’re a cuddler.”

I chuckled. “I think we both are. We were pretty entwined when I woke up.” I dropped another kiss on her cheek. “I liked it.”

“Me too.”

“What are your plans for the day?”

“I have to go to the bank and the lawyer.”

“Okay. I’ll walk with you and investigate the job possibilities, and maybe we can meet somewhere after?”

“You don’t have to have a job by the end of the day, Sebastian. Don’t put that sort of pressure on yourself.”

“I’m not. Honest. But I want to check it out, then make a plan.” I pulled her a little closer. “This is a new start for us, Maggie. I’m excited. I want to move forward and begin my life with you.”

“Okay, then.”

I kissed her one more time.




Maggie and I separated on the corner by the bank. She pointed out the bar she had mentioned, and we agreed to meet in two hours. It felt so natural to pull her close and kiss her before walking away. I turned around to see her watching me leave, her fingers on her lips. I grinned at her and winked, grinning even wider when she blushed and hurried away. I liked her reactions, and I hoped she never stopped showing me how my touch made her feel.

I wandered around, found the hardware store, the local diner, and a few other places, amazed at how friendly people were to me. I was greeted with a smile everywhere I went, and when they discovered I had moved here and would be around, they were quick to introduce themselves. By the time I made it to the bar, I felt like a politician with the number of hands I had shaken. I was careful not to share exactly where I was living. I wanted to protect Maggie’s privacy since I had no idea how well she knew any of them. I also wasn’t sure how much she wanted people to know at this point, and I’d take my cue from her. When they asked, I waved my hand in the general direction and said I’d moved to the east end of town. Luckily, no one pressed me.

Maggie knew the owners of the bar and had specifically told me I could use her name there, so I entered the Keynote Bar and Grill, noting the two signs in the window. One read Help Wanted, and the other advertised Open Mic Nights. I was interested in both of them.

Stepping inside, I glanced around. The bar was quiet, but a few people were at tables and sitting along the polished wooden bar, sipping drinks. There was a small dance floor, and in the corner, a stage was set up. It was casual, bright, and clean. It also smelled delicious, reminding me all I had eaten this morning was some toast. I rather hoped Maggie would be early and we could eat together. The casserole Eleanor had left us, we could eat another time. We could have an early dinner here.

I approached the bar, sliding onto a stool. I could feel a lot of curious glances my way, and the bartender looked up from polishing glasses and offered me a nod. “Hey.”

I smiled at him. He was tall, with wavy dark hair and a friendly face. His brown eyes gleamed behind the heavy frames of his glasses.

“Hello. Would you be Finn, by chance?”

He pushed off the back counter, setting down the glass he was working on. “Depends on who is asking, I suppose.”

I had to chuckle. “I’m not serving any summonses.” I held out my hand. “I’m a friend of Maggie’s. Sebastian. Sebastian Ruggers.”

He leaned forward, an easy smile on his face, shaking my hand. “Maggie, eh? Well, if you’re a friend of hers, then welcome. Finn O’Connor.” He shook my hand firmly, then he frowned. “I assume she’s home?”

“Yes. We arrived back late last night. Or, early this morning, more like it. She’s running a couple errands, but she’ll be here soon.”

He arched his eyebrow. “We?”


“I imagine there’s a story there.”

“There is. Maggie will be here shortly, and I’ll let her share it.”

“I look forward to hearing it. I’m glad she’s back, though. My wife’s been worried about her. She’ll be happy to see her.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024