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I wish it were that easy to find love. I’d seen it happen with my brother but I think it’s a rare thing. Not that I’m even looking. I’ll find my one when the time is right. But why is it that when I do get a man to profess his love to me, it’s some crazy, arrogant jerk that’s using it to try and get his way? Of course he has to be drop dead gorgeous with the greenest eyes and a smile that can melt your insides. Did I mention arrogant? I press that once more into my mind so I don’t forget.

“There’s nothing here for you,” I tell him in my sternest voice, hoping that it encourages him to leave. I’m not the best at confrontation—that’s what my brother is for—but I’m not going to back down from this man. I’ve had people do some pretty clever things trying to get one of my pieces but his is the most over-the-top so far. Love at first sight. I almost laugh that he thought I’d fall for it.

“I beg to differ. There’s a whole lot for me and only me.” His fingertips brush against my hand. I yank my hand back. Not only because he’s being rude but because I felt something tingle across my skin. The sensation takes my breath away.

“Like I said. There’s nothing here for you,” I repeat, taking another step back so that I’m out of his reach. I jump when a loud bang sounds from the other side of the door. Mr. Arrogant must have locked the door behind him. Goosebumps make their way up my arms. I wish I could say it’s because I’m frightened but I’m not. I’m locked in this room with a complete stranger, yet I don’t react the way I would expect myself to. He may sound crazy but he doesn’t strike me as dangerous. I tend to have good instincts when it comes to people.

He pulls the ring off of his finger, tossing it my way. My stupid reflexes have me reaching out to snatch it mid-air. “If I were married would I give my wedding ring away so I have to return home to a wife and explain where it went?”

“Fine. You’re not married.” I give. “No wife would let her husband leave the house like that.” I wave at his ridiculous outfit. Even with the way he’s dressed, he still looks sexy.

“Maple, you okay?” Trudy yells through the door. “I’m calling the cops.”

“My sister picked this entire getup out, I’ll have you know,” he grumbles but I can see something in his eyes when he mentions his sister.

“Is the necklace you want for your sister?” I ask.

“No.” He pulls at the sweater that appears to be itchy.

I let out a sigh. I might have caved for him wanting to get something for his sister. I might think he’s an arrogant jerk but I also have a brother who is one of those and would do anything for me. I’d understand the sentiment if he was here trying to snag something for her. Gavin would be just as adamant if it were him trying to get something special for me. A pang of jealousy hits me wondering who the hell he’s shopping for. That’s when I realize I need to get him the hell out of here. I must be losing my ever-loving mind. It’s his smile. He almost had me but I remain strong.

“It’s time to go.” I look down at the ring in my hand. It’s a simple gold band. It’s cool to the touch. It shouldn’t be. If he’s been wearing it all day it should be warm. I can tell the gold band isn’t cheap by the heavy weight of it. I toss it back. He catches it, sliding it back onto his finger.

“I’m not leaving until I get what I want,” he challenges.

“Not used to hearing the word no, Mr.—” I cock my head to the side as I wait for him to supply me with his name.

“Major Bennington.” He says it like I should know who he is. I keep my face impassive because I truly don’t recognize the name. I bet my brother would.

“You can’t refuse me service.” Now that doesn’t come out arrogantly but it is a little bit of a challenge.

“I can do anything I please. You’re standing in my store. One I’ve asked you to leave.” I can hear the sounds of police sirens already. “You’re trespassing,” I remind him.

Major only smiles more, not looking bothered that the cops are going to be here at any second. “A challenge. It’s been a long time since I’ve had one.”

“I’m not a game, Mr. Bennington. Nor do I play them.” Even as I say the words they feel a little wrong. Something about him has me wanting to fight with him. To see how far he’d go to get what he wants. “You’ll never get one of my pieces. So you should save yourself the embarrassment and leave willingly.”

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