Take Me Home (The Heartbreak Brothers 1) - Page 90

“Yeah, she knows,” he whispered back. Just about everybody in the diner was staring at them.

“Is she in the kitchen? I need to talk to her.”

“She just left.”

“Where to?”

“Home, I guess.” Gray swallowed.

“And you let her go?” Ashleigh’s voice rose. The few people who hadn’t been looking at them raised their heads to stare. “Jesus, Gray. She must be a complete mess.”

“She wouldn’t let me come with her. She wanted to be alone.”

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“Dear god, you’re an idiot.” She shook her head. “This is all your fault, you know that?”

“Yeah, I do.” He curled his good hand into a fist.

“If you hadn’t come sauntering back into town and made her fall in love with you, this would never have happened.” She sighed heavily. “I promised her nobody would ever find out.” Her eyes flashed. “You made me a liar.”

“I didn’t make you anything,” he pointed out. “And does it matter if I did?”

Maddie was in love with him? He put that thought away to think about later.

“No, I guess not.”

“Ashleigh. I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you and Maddie weren’t talking.” Jessica was still in here? Gray put his hands behind his back, because it really wasn’t polite to hit a woman.

“She’s my sister, Jessica.”

“Not much of one. Not after she started sleeping with your ex. I’d kill my sister if she did that.” Jessica leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially. “Have you seen the video? Is that why Gray likes her?”

“You know what, Jess?” Ashleigh said, exasperation in her voice. “Why don’t you fuck off?”

The whole diner silenced. Enough for Murphy to be heard as he shouted out to tell them he was closing early.

“What did you say?” Jessica blinked.

“You heard me.” Ashleigh squared up to her. For a moment, it was like being back in high school, watching the cheerleaders bitch at each other for some imagined slight.

“I’m on your side,” Jessica hissed. “Your sister hurt you.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t need your kind of support. And neither does Maddie.” Ashleigh turned to Gray. “I’m going to find my sister. Are you coming?”

“Yeah,” he said. “I’m coming.”

She grabbed his arm. “Then let’s go.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Nice car,” he said as he climbed into Ashleigh’s silver Mercedes. The interior was pristine, with tan leather seats polished to a shine.

“Thanks.” She switched on the ignition. “What kind of car do you have?”

“In L.A? A Prius.”

She pulled out of the parking space. “I never knew you cared about the environment.”

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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