Take Me Home (The Heartbreak Brothers 1) - Page 91

“I don’t like to make things worse than I need to.” He shrugged and buckled his seatbelt.

“Could have fooled me.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Touché.”

His phone rang as she turned left from the square, heading for the home where Maddie and her mom lived. “I need to take this. It’s my manager.”

“Sure. Your career always comes first.”

He rolled his eyes and put the call on speaker. “Marco.”

“I’m at the record company. All hell’s breaking loose. We’re working on a strategy to reduce the heat of the situation.”

“Is Brad Rickson there?”

“No. He’s laying low, but I saw his manager in with one of the big chiefs. I don’t think they were throwing any parties. Anyway, the reason I called is because I’m with Angie.”

“My publicist?”

Ashleigh shook her head.

“Yeah. She’s doing what she can to get the video down, but that horse has pretty much bolted. We need to spin the story now, the best way we can.”

“I’m listening.”

“Her car isn’t here,” Ashleigh said, peering through the windshield. “Stay here, I’m going to check if she’s inside.” She climbed out of the car and slammed the door loudly.

“Okay,” Marco continued talking to Gray. “We’re setting up a second interview with Rock Magazine, but of course that won’t come out until next month. We need something immediate, so Angie’s calling around to all the late night TV shows. We’re hoping Dan O’Leary might have a spot for you.”

“You want me to be interviewed?” He couldn’t stand sitting here waiting. With the phone still in his hand, he climbed out. “I can’t fly to L.A., I’m needed here.”

“You could bring Maddie with you. Make an exclusive about your relationship,” Marco suggested. “That would definitely get the gossip spinning.”

“It’s not gonna happen,” Gray growled. “I’m not subjecting Maddie to all that speculation.”

“Glad to hear it,” Ashleigh said, coming out of the house. “And she’s not here. We need to get back in the car.”

“Who’s that with you?” Marco asked. “Is it Maddie?”

“It’s her sister.”

“Her sister, as in your ex?” Marco’s voice rose up. “Gray, don’t make this any worse than it is.”

“Can you tell him I can hear every word he says?” Ashleigh said through gritted teeth.

“I’m sorry.” Marco sighed. “But really, this is a mess, Gray. One that we need to clear up before the record company gets pissed. I’ll book you on a flight tomorrow.”

“I’m not coming. I’m not going to sit and spill the beans to Dan O’Leary.”

“Yeah, you are,” Ashleigh said. “You’re going to get on that TV show and clear my sister’s name. Damn, Laura hasn’t seen her either. Do you think she might have gone to your place?”

“No. Becca would have called if she was there.” Gray pressed his lips together. Where was she?

“Okay. We need to think of where she might be. Any ideas?”

“Marco, I need to go find Maddie. Can I call you back?”

“Sure. I’ll book your tickets while you’re looking and arrange for a car to pick you up in the morning.”

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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