Rancher Daddy and Cowgirl - Page 9



God, she’s beautiful. It’s hard as hell to remain on point. For Christ’s sake, it’s hard to stick to my guns here. What we have is amazing and it seems to me as we argue I have to conclude that it’s hard for me to imagine losing what we have even though it is so much less than I want. “Red,” I say.

“What?” There is still some defiance in her expression but it’s mostly confusion now. I step around the desk and take hold of her wrist, pulling her toward me. Whether or not she’s ticked off, she immediately puts her mouth on mine and kisses me passionately.

I pull away and say, “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

“Make me,” she says, eyes flashing.

I pick her up and she yelps in surprise as I throw her over my shoulder and carry her to the bedroom. She beats on my back as I walk and when we arrive, I dump her on the bed, then turn her so she ends up bent over my knee. She gasps and says, “What the hell are you doing?”

“You dared me, right?” I say, “Red. That’s the safe word. You say red when you’re convinced, I would dare.”

“You can’t make me say that!” she says.

I slide my hands down her sides and I love the way she breathes in sharply at my touch. I know she doesn’t want to make that reaction apparent and it’s exciting to know she can’t help herself. I get to her pants and I’m not gentle about getting them down to her knees. She turns her head and scowls at me. “I won’t say the safe word. You won’t even have the guts to spank hard. So you might—”

Her face assumes an expression of shock as the first spank hits. She turns her head immediately to hide the reaction and she grits her teeth to keep herself from reacting audibly. “See,” I say, “this spanking is just to make it clear I’ll spank you,” I say as I land another spank. She lets out a very muffled cry but that’s it.

God her ass is perfect.

Her ass is perfect and it’s hard to stay on task. “But in the future, spankings will come from much more important things.” I land another spank. She finally gasps in an obvious way. “Violations of the rules.” I land another spank and again I get a gasp but no other indication. Her ass is pink now in places. “Rules you and I will come up with together rules the two of us will agree to.”

I land another spank and she still doesn’t react with anything other than a gasp. I gain a new worry altogether now. It occurs to me she might be so stubborn she’ll let herself get actually hurt before she says the safe word. I land one more spank, harder than those before. She again lets out a very muffled cry, unwilling to open her mouth to make her pain evident.

I turn her head to force her to make eye contact and say, “Little girl, I need to know you’ll say the safe word if you need to. I need to know you won’t be stubborn and get hurt.”

I think she’s going to be defiant but instead, she says, “I’ll say it, Daddy.” She says it in a sweet way. Her tone is almost deferential at the moment. She turns her head and says, “I’m ready.”

I land another two spanks and then turn her head again. She looks at me and says, “It hurts like hell but…” then she giggles. “Um, Daddy, we’re going to need to come up with some other punishment.”

“Too much, little one?”

She giggles and then blushes. “No, Daddy. It… Um, I like it.”

I stare at her for a moment and I can’t help myself, I start laughing as well. We end up on the bed together and the sex is amazing precisely because it’s unlike all of the other times. There isn’t some desperate need for sexual conquest on the part of either of us. We’re not getting rid of the dramatic buildup of tension. We’re not doing any of that. On the contrary, we’re…

Making love.

I’m not one of those guys who makes a point of coming up with the difference between fucking and making love. At least prior to now, I’m not that guy. Now, though, as we move together, it is impossible to ignore the emotions involved in the situation. It’s impossible to deny the power of those emotions and the very clear and present need not only for physical fulfillment but emotional fulfillment, too.

When we finish, she snuggles against me and says, “So, how do we come up with rules? What do you want me to change?”

I kiss the top of her head. “Why don’t you decide the first rule.”


“I mean it,” I say. “What do you think the rule should be?”

She thinks a moment, then says, “Rule number one. We need to communicate with each other. Both of us. I’ve wanted you to commit to me for months now, but I never told you I wanted a real relationship because I was afraid of losing what we have. If I had just told you what I wanted, I would have learned that you want the same thing and neither of us would have had to be afraid of losing each other.”

I smile at her. “Okay. From now on, when we have a worry or a desire related to the relationship, we will tell each other right away no matter how afraid we are of how the other will react.”

She smiles at me. “Deal. Rule number two.”

She rolls over so she is on top of me, then she kisses my neck, then my shoulder, then my chest, and works her way down.

When she reaches her destination, she looks up at me. “You have to cum in my mouth whenever I say so.”

She closes her lips around me, and I groan and say, “I can agree to that.”

Tags: Jess Winters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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