Rancher Daddy and Cowgirl - Page 10


Mary Cait

As I work my lips up and down on his shaft, it’s pretty damned strange, all the things going through my head. Part of it all, of course, is just that things are suddenly so much clearer. I mean, I guess there was a way for Zander and I to pretend nothing was happening between us as long as both of us kept it quiet. Neither of us can do that now. It’s all out in the open. So that’s part of it.

Honesty. Is that the right word?

There is honesty in things now. God, it’s strange to think of a blowjob as something having to do with honesty. That’s the case, though, and there’s no way around it. I feel good knowing there aren’t unspoken things hovering over us. I feel good knowing this is Daddy’s cock in my mouth and not a guy roleplaying as Daddy.

I moan around his shaft as I suck a little more firmly and caress his balls. My ass cheeks hurt like hell and it’s hard not to giggle whenever I feel a twinge of pain. It’s pretty amazing to discover I like being spanked and it’s hard not to feel at least a little triumphant about that since it was supposed to be a big watershed moment in the relationship, a powerful point made about the two of us.

I guess the point was made even if it didn’t turn out the way Zander intended or the way I expected. The spanking made it very clear to me that Zander will take a firm hand with me if I allow it. It also made me very aware that I want him to take a firm hand with me. Perhaps that’s why I find him so sexually appealing while we argue. He doesn’t put up with my crap.

Who knows?

What I know now is that pushing my mouth as deeply as I can, letting my tongue move over the head of his cock, and caressing his balls with my hand feels just as good to me at the moment as the best sex of our relationship. I don’t mean that from a physical standpoint although it does feel really good. In fact, it’s almost like my pussy is stimulated even though it’s not. From an emotional and just all-around perspective, though, this is definitely the best sex so far.

I suddenly understand why.

I suddenly understand why, and I get a bit crazy moving as deep as I can and sucking as hungrily as I can. I feel like I’m a bit of a crazy woman as I do. I move with a great deal of enthusiasm and hunger, driving myself as deeply down as I can, and when he cums, I go right to the brink of orgasm. If not for wanting to keep my hands on him, I might reach down and push myself right over the edge.

I suck very hard and then softly until finally, I just suckle. He sighs happily and I pull my mouth off and kiss the tip. Then, I voice why it’s so damned good at the moment.

“I love you, Daddy.”

He looks down at me and his face goes from that post-orgasm haziness to a serious expression and then to one that’s soft and endearing but still belongs to the very strong and stern, cocky man I want. He smiles and says, “I love you too, little girl.”

Little girl.

It occurs to me I’m one now, not just playing at being one. It’s not just roleplaying anymore. I’m a little girl all the time with an all-the-time Daddy.

The realization is wonderful, and I make my way up and put my arms around him, nestling my face against his neck. It’s strange because I forget how desperately I need release until he simply rolls over and suddenly his cock slides in. I throw my arms around him and hold tightly as he moves, and it doesn’t take long before I’m crying out as I cum.

And of course, what I cry out is, “Daddy!”


Tags: Jess Winters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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