Rancher Daddy and Cowgirl - Page 11


Mary Cait

“Oh, Daddy!” I cry, shaking around his cock as he moans and shudders with his own orgasm.

When my orgasm fades enough that I can speak again, I say, “Fuck, I love when you cum inside me.”

He moans and says, “That’s good, little girl. Now that we’re married, I expect you to let me cum inside you every day.”

I giggle and nip his earlobe. “Deal.”

He rolls over and lifts himself off of me. I watch him dress, smiling softly. After a year together, I am convinced more than ever that I have found my forever Daddy.

He notices me watching him and crosses the room to me, smiling. He tilts my head up so I look in his eyes a moment. Then he kisses me, softly but sensually enough that I feel my nipples harden again. I shift my body and reach over to pull him on top of me again, but he gently pushes away and says, “Later. Right now, I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise?”

“Of course,” he says. “It’s our anniversary. You didn’t think I wouldn’t get you anything, did you?”

My eyes fly open in surprise. “You got me a gift?”

He smiles. “Get dressed, little girl.”

Twenty minutes later, I stand in open-mouthed shock, staring at my anniversary present as she stamps her foot and whinnies passionately.

“Oh my God, Daddy,” I breathe. “She’s beautiful.”

“She reminds me of you,” he says. “It seemed like a match made in Heaven.”

I run my hands over the horse’s beautiful blood-bay coat. She tosses her mane and glares fiercely at me but she leans into my caress and allows me to rub her cheeks and scratch behind her ears.

“When you’re ready,” he says. “We’ll introduce her to a saddle and you, and I can train her to accept a rider together.”

I look at him and smile. “Saddle? Why would I need a saddle?”

His brow furrows, then his eyes widen as I step onto the fence and swing my leg over her bareback. She rears only once before standing still and tossing her head.

“Beautiful,” Daddy whispers.

“She is,” I agree. “My Bella.”

Bella whinnies in agreement and Daddy chuckles. “I meant you.”

“I know,” I say brightly. Then I lightly kick Bella’s flanks. She launches forward and I laugh as I ride her out of the pen and into the open field.

I am happier and freer than I have ever been in my life and it’s insane that the reason for it is that I chose to gave someone else controls.

No, not someone else. The love of my life. My husband. My only one.

My Daddy.

Tags: Jess Winters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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