One More Chance (The Alexanders 6.50) - Page 9

give me what I need. Well, here it is. I need you to pretend for me. Pretend you still find me sexy. Pretend you want me just a little bit. Because I need you so much.”


That was when Jackson lost it.

“What the hell? Ri, I don't have to pretend. I always want you.”

He tried to pull back again but she wouldn’t allow him to, clasping her arms around his waist so tightly that it felt like being strangled by an octopus.

“I saw how horrified you looked when you saw me wearing that negligee. I know this belly isn't exactly a turn on.”

“You think I looked like that because I was turned off?” Jackson was finally able to disentangle himself from her and tipped up her chin gently. She wasn’t crying, thankfully but he could tell how uncomfortable she was by how long it took her to meet his eyes.

“I was trying not to attack you and rip that fucking material off with my teeth,” Jackson gritted out, satisfied when her expressive eyes softened with desire.

Then she licked her lips and looked away. “You don't have to spare my feelings. I thought I would stay slim like Raina did but I’m always so hungry and I’ve gained so much weight already.”

“Hell yeah you have,” Jackson murmured eyeing the full cleavage that pressed against her sweater. Damn, she just got more curvy by the day. It was almost like nature was trying to torment him by making her more lush and desirable to test his control. He swore softly when his dick responded immediately, punching against his zipper like it was pissed it hadn’t been let out of the cage.

He was so busy trying to control his own reaction that he almost missed his wife’s. She winced and then pink spread over her cheeks.

“Yeah, I know.”

Jacksons swore again. “Baby, I'm talking about these.” He cupped her breasts gently. “Every time I see you I want to dive in between these babies and stay all night. I've tried to be respectful. You're an amazing mother to Chris and Jase. You've always treated them like they're your own but seeing you like this, so ... ripe and knowing that I made you this way. Hell, it does something to me. All I can think about is dirty things.”

She swallowed and even that turned him on, watching her throat move.

“Dirty things?” she repeated softly, glancing up at him hesitantly. “What kind of dirty things?”

Apparently it was torture Jackson time. She actually wanted him to detail them out?

“Things like watching these bounce while I’m inside you.” He leaned down and nuzzled her cleavage. “Like the fact that you’re already pregnant so I can be inside you bare. That I can come inside you and fill you up. Feeling you like that, god, just thinking about it is making me crazy.”

Ridley moaned. “Yes, I want to feel that.”

“But that’s not going to happen,” he finished and then jumped when Ridley whacked him on the shoulder.

“Why not? I need you so much.”

Jackson kissed her gently on the forehead. “I can’t be so demanding. You’re carrying my child and I can’t bear the thought of hurting you.”

Ridley’s mouth fell open. “You’ve been avoiding me because you think you hurt me?”

“I know I did. There was a day…. well, I have eyes and I saw how sore you were the next morning. It looked like it hurt you just to get out of bed.” He’d been an absolute monster, he thought with disgust remembering how slowly she’d moved that morning.

There were a lot of reactions she could have to that but the last thing he’d expected was for Ridley to throw her head back and laugh until she had tears in her eyes.

She finally calmed and then put a soft hand against his cheek. “You sweet crazy man. Sometimes women get a little sore afterward but usually it’s after they’ve gotten it so good their muscles are tired from too many orgasms!”

Jackson was startled into laughing, too. Ridley had always been on the shy side so it was a little shocking to hear her talking openly about orgasms.

“Is that right?” he murmured, everything inside of him starting to wake up at the thought that she actually enjoyed his wilder side.

“Very right. In fact, if I’m not walking bowlegged by tomorrow morning then I’ll demand to know why. You’ve got months worth of frustration to work out for me, you know?”

“Oh shit. I’ll be right back.” Jackson kissed her soundly and then slid off the bed. His cell phone was out of his pocket and to his ear before he even hit the door.

Nick answered on the first ring. “Hey man, what’s up?”

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024