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Say You Will (The Alexanders 5)

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“No, it’s not that.” And it really wasn’t a problem. As angry as she’d been, over the past few hours she’d had nothing to do but think. And question. The only way she’d get the answers to her questions was by talking to him.

She grabbed her purse and then motioned for him to follow her. They rode the elevator down to the main level and then she led him to the bridge.

“Uh, did you tell her about us? Your friend, I mean?” He motioned with his head back at her building.

Guiltily, Mara looked away. “Yeah. I shouldn’t have. I mean, I can’t believe Lanie was hanging all over you like that. Was that what you meant about people changing?”

Trent stopped at a hot dog stand and raised an eyebrow. She nodded and smiled at the vendor. “Sure, this is fine.”

The vendor looked between them eagerly. “Two with the works?”

Trent nodded his acceptance. Mara accepted a steaming hotdog wrapped in foil. Trent grinned as she took a greedy bite. He knew her love affair with boardwalk food. She appreciated fine cuisine but there would always be a special place in her heart for hot dogs and funnel cakes.

Trent accepted his own hotdog and then handed the vendor a twenty-dollar bill. “Keep the change.”

They walked over the bridge and stood at the rail, looking out over the water. Their arms brushed as they walked and Mara soaked up the casual intimacy. She’d gotten so used to having the right to touch him whenever she wanted. It was petty but she wanted to rub her hands all over him, to erase the image of her friend’s flirty touches.

Trent leaned against the railing, turning so the sun wasn’t directly in his eyes.

"Women respond differently when they know. But I don't want to make it seem like it's just women. Men, too. Suddenly they have a business proposal that they want to run by you. Or they start talking about their brother who lost his job and how he might lose his house."

“Or women giggle like idiots and rub themselves up against you,” Mara interjected before taking another huge bite of her hot dog.

Trent shook his head ruefully. ”Yeah, that tends to happen. I don't want it to seem like I'm made of stone. Of course you'd want to help everyone that you could if possible. But you have no idea how refreshing it is to be around people who have no reason in the world to like you but somehow do anyway. For the last few years, that's what you have given me. Hanging with you and Matt and Jackson and Nick.” He broke off and looked out over the water.

People strolled by on the pathways below and Mara fixed her eyes on them as they passed. People-watching was one of her favorite activities during her lunch break. Jogging mothers pushed strollers that looked as complicated as her car, couples meandered arm-in-arm, as if they had no clear destination in mind. Several boats glided lazily by in the distance. Trent stood silently next to her, his eyes fixed on the horizon. It was clear that his thoughts were far away from what was happening on the crystalline water.

"It's been a gift, this time I've had with all of you. I've just been Trent. Not a Townsend and not the boss' son but just myself. I couldn't have ever guessed how valuable that time would be. Especially now that it’s over.”

“What does that mean?” Fear rose until it felt like it would choke her. As angry as she was, it hadn’t occurred to her until now that they might not work this out. Trent was a part of her and had been since they’d first met. The idea of him just being… gone?

“My father is ill. My brother has taken off. I have to take control of the company temporarily. I have to go back.”

“So, that’s it? I lied to you and now I’m leaving. Is this really how things are going to end?”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” Trent drew her close and when his lips brushed over hers, she opened up to it, melting against him. When he opened his eyes, they were bright with excitement. “Tell me you don't feel that. You belong to me and you know it. I know you’re angry and you have every right to be but let me show you my world. Come with me to New York.”

Mara looked up at him, trying to read his eyes. He sounded so sincere but then again he’d always sounded like this. Even when he was lying to her. But the truth was, she would never get over this until she understood why.

Why had he hidden this side of his life from her?

He was a rich guy. That was usually something men bragged about, something they used to their advantage. Why would he keep everything about him a secret and make her think he was struggling financially? It didn’t make sense and even though she knew her curiosity was going to lead her into trouble, she couldn’t help it. She wanted to know.


* * * * *

AS SOON AS Mara pulled into her driveway that evening, Trent got out of his car. He hadn't wanted to give her a chance to change her mind this afternoon, so as soon as she'd agreed to accompany him to New York, he'd left. He'd used the time to arrange the details of their trip.

He’d been scheduled to fly back to New York that evening. Now that Mara was coming with him, he had Gina reschedule things so that he would fly out the next day instead. She would handle everything, including booking a suite in one of his family's hotels for Matt to stay in while he was there.

He wasn't sure how long his friend intended on sticking around but he'd be in perfect comfort for however long he was there. In fact, he should have asked Matt to bring Penny along. As he walked up the driveway to where Mara stood watching him, he made a mental note to suggest the idea.

Mara watching him warily and shifted the tote bag she carried on her shoulder nervously as he got closer. "You didn't have to wait out here. I wouldn't have minded if you used your key."

He followed behind her as she walked up the steps and unlocked the door. "I didn't want to presume. You've given me a chance to make things right and I don't want to screw up again."

She didn't meet his eyes as he passed her, moving through the entryway and into the living room. It was strange to look around the familiar room and think that he might not be living there anymore. So much was riding on this trip to the city. What if he couldn't make her understand? What if she didn't forgive him?

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