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Say You Will (The Alexanders 5)

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"Why don't I make you some dinner?" He didn't think she'd kick him out immediately but at least if they ate together, he'd get a guaranteed few more hours with her.

"Is that really the best way to get on my good side?"

They laughed together. Trent had to concede on that point. "Probably not."

"I can make us something," Mara finally admitted. "Nothing fancy. I'll need time to get ready. I have to pack and don't I need to book an airline ticket for tomorrow? What if I can't get a flight to join you this late?"

"All of that has been taken care of. You don't need to worry about any details. I'll pick you up in the morning. Matt is coming with us."

Her eyes rounded at that bit of news but she didn't comment on it. "What should I pack? I mean, I'm planning to bring a nice outfit for when I meet your parents but what about the rest of the time?"

"Anything is fine. We'll do some sightseeing and it's still pretty chilly at night there so you'll need a coat. But don't worry about forgetting anything. If you need something you don't have while you're there, we'll just buy another one."

Trent had planned to take her shopping while they were there anyway but figured that was best left as a surprise. Mara loved shopping and if things weren't going well, he hoped that taking her down Fifth Avenue might make up for it.

Mara placed a hand over her stomach and then smiled tightly. "Okay. I wasn't sure if we'd be going out or anything. I don't want to embarrass you."

His stomach dropped. She suddenly wouldn't look at him and he could have sworn he saw the slight sheen of tears in her eyes. Incredibly moved, Trent pulled her closer. When she still wouldn't meet his eyes, he tipped her chin up with one finger. "You could never embarrass me. You are perfect."

He wanted to tell her that his life before her was like walking through a black-and-white movie. He wanted to show her in whatever way he could that she brought color and warmth into his world and kept him from descending back into the loneliness that had haunted him before.

But nothing he could say would express the enormity of what she'd given him just by loving him so he was going to attempt to show her.

"Please don't worry about anything. This trip is for you. Because there's no way you can understand why I left that life until you experience it. The good and the bad."

Her head fell forward against his chest and she snuggled against him, her breath washing against the side of his neck. "I'm going to try to understand." After a final squeeze, she flashed a quick grin. "I'll get started on dinner. It's probably safer if you don't help."

Trent kissed her on the forehead and then allowed her to pull away. "I'll just watch something on television."

Mara disappeared down the ha

llway leading to the bedroom and reappeared a few minutes later wearing a long-sleeved shirt and leggings. He looked up from his perch on the sofa as she passed. Once he heard the familiar rattle of pans, he got up and moved to the hallway. As he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, he thought of the one detail that he hadn't trusted Gina to handle for him. If he didn't call now, there was a chance it wouldn't be taken care of before they arrived.

And this was something he couldn't leave to chance.

The concierge of his building answered on the first ring. "East Side Towers."

"Walter, it's Trent Townsend. I have a favor to ask."

The other man paused for a moment, betraying his surprise, but when he spoke again his voice didn't convey anything other than consummate professionalism. "Yes, sir. Anything."

Trent knew he meant that. Considering all the headache of moving Avery in and out over the past few months, Walter had more than earned a sizeable Christmas bonus for the year.

"Gina told me that she coordinated with you on relocating Miss Maxwell to my brother's residence. Now that she's gone, I need you to go through my penthouse and take down any personal pictures."


"I know it's an odd request but it's very important. Leave the artwork on the walls but any pictures featuring my family or friends must be removed."

"Of course, sir. Should I hold them downstairs until your return?"

"Actually, if you would just seal them in a box and put that in my closet, that would be fine."

"Consider it done, sir."

Trent hung up and then wandered back out to the living room. As he passed the entrance to the kitchen, he paused to observe Mara as she was chopping vegetables. He let himself soak up the joy of being in her presence. He ignored the hot shard of guilt at all the things he was still keeping from her. So much was riding on this trip and he couldn't afford any more missteps.

There were some things that she wasn't ready for yet.

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