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The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2)

Page 35

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Everyone has gathered in the living room again. Blake squeezes my hand, and Sorina barrels toward us, Sam right behind her. She takes in mine and Blake’s hands and wraps her arms around me.

“Easy, kiddo. My back hurts like a bitch.”

“Sorry,” she mutters.

I kiss her hair and chuckle. “It’s okay.”

“Let’s get this over with,” Elaine says, stepping into the middle of the room. “Dr. Saladinya and Dr. Kinderson should stay here for the time being. Some people here will probably need them.”

“Not a problem,” Dr. Kinderson says, glancing at me.

I roll my eyes. She’s not my favorite person, and I’ll talk to Hastin before her any day.

“Now, to get to the major issue,” Hyde says, stepping forward. “Since you all thought it was necessary to air all this openly, we’re going to do the same.”

“Oh, shit,” Dresden says under his breath as Shannon snuggles against his side.

A grin spreads across my face. I’m glad they’re going to work shit out. They belong together and Dres deserves to be happy. Maria shuffles from one foot to the other, her face going red, fists clenching at her sides. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than punching her in the face.

“Agent Johanson is not pregnant,” Elaine states with force.

My cheeks heat, my feet moving forward until Blake pulls on my hand, stopping me.

“And a lie like that, which intentionally could’ve cost us two of the best agents on this team, will not go without consequences. Agent Johanson, you’re relieved of your post here and will face disciplinary action back in DC.” Hyde gives her a pointed stare, and she narrows her eyes, something wicked dancing in them.

“You fucking bitch,” I hiss, tearing my hand out of Blake’s and bee-lining for her.

My fist connects with her face as several arms grab me, pulling me backward. She stumbles back, clutching her cheek.

“Calm down, Lily,” Vlad snaps, yanking me backward.

My chest rises and falls rapidly, the desire to beat that whore until her face caves in taking over and blocking out all logical sense. Sammi steps in front of me, gently squeezing the side of my neck.

“Breath, Viper. That cunt ain’t worth you losing your job over.”

I gasp at her vulgarity. Sammi’s never been a foul mouth in all the time she’s been with this team, despite the fact the rest of us are. I stop struggling and straighten myself, my cheeks warming as Sammi raises her eyebrows.

“I’ve never heard you talk like that.”

“Well, I’ve hated that bitch since she showed up 12 months ago.”

I bite my lip, trying to suppress the urge to laugh, but it’s no use. Blake pulls me to his side as a fit of giggles erupts from my throat. Soon, we’re all chuckling, and Sammi hugs me gently, careful not to touch my back.

“If you all are finished, we have one more issue to discuss,” Hyde says, forcing the grin off his face.

We turn toward him, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“While Maria isn’t pregnant, there is one female here who is, and everyone needs to take extra care not to put more stress on her than needed,” Elaine smiles.

“I’m sorry,” I say, confusion evident in my tone. “Who’s pregnant?”

“I am,” Shannon says softly looking at the floor.

My heart stops . . . literally.

“What,” Dresden whispers taking a step toward her, his hands twitching at his sides.

“Very newly pregnant, apparently. Three or four weeks,” she says glancing at him through her eyelashes.

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