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The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2)

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Well fuck . . . didn’t see that one coming



Dresden splays his hand across her stomach, a shocked grin taking over his expression. Tears well up in Shannon’s eyes as she covers his hand with hers. Guilty doesn’t begin to cover how I feel now, in light of this particular news.

Can we ever just have a normal, non-excitement filled day?

Blake walks past me and hugs Shannon to his chest. She wraps her arms around him and my heart melts. This is how a family should be and more than ever before, the thought of leaving Interpol for a normal life nags at me.

As Blake steps back, releasing his sister, the rest of the group converge on them, hugging her and Dresden. Carmen and Sorina, both in tears, giggle and talk so fast it makes my head spin. Teresa darts into the kitchen and the clanking of glass echoes off the walls.

Blake steps in front of me and my smile vanishes, my eyes downcast. All the emotions I’ve pushed down for the last few days bubble in my throat, tears stinging my eyes. He presses his fingers under my chin and tilts my head up, forcing me to look him in the face.

“Stop with the crying,” he whispers, leaning down to press his lips to mine.

Everything about him is warm and inviting, and all the memories flood back, this time welcome, reminding me of why we’re here. My hands tangle in his hair and I pull him flush against me. His hands snake around my waist, resting on my ass. Tears stream silently down my face as his tongue finds mine in a dance I never thought I’d experience again.

“I’m so sorry,” I cry against his lips.

“Shh, baby. You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.” He kisses me again before leaning his forehead against mine. “Lily, I love you. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t.” Sobs erupt from my throat and he buries his face in my hair, squeezing his arms around my shoulders.

A blinding pain radiates through my side and lower back. My body arches, collapsing into Blake’s arms as I scream, warm wetness seeping from the point of pain down my backside to my thighs.

Commotion resounds around me but everything blurs. Samuel halts next to Blake, his gun drawn, the colors of his clothes going in and out of focus. His hands extend in front of him and a gunshot echoes off the walls, my knees buckling in perfect time with the last of the vibration.

My hand shakes as I reach behind me, fingertips sliding over the hilt of a knife. My body shudders as I grip the handle and pull, another sharp explosion shattering what willpower I have left. The pain is immeasurable, and the blade falls from my hand before I can look at it.

Everything blinks in and out.

Blake’s lips move, the sound muffled and distance. “Lily,” he says, “Stay with me, baby.”

Yelling filters through the haze, my eyes opening and closing of their own accord. I’m moving, tucked against Blake’s chest, the lights flashing like a strobe as I fight the blackness creeping into my mind.

Fight Lily! Stay Awake!

A screaming hits my ears and it takes a moment before I realize it’s me making the sound. The darkness is stronger than me, and I start to fade. My body tilts to the side and rolls until I’m on my stomach face down. Strong hands grip my head and turn it to the side.

“Come on, Lily, fight, damn it.”


Pressure takes over my back and side, fingers moving inside the gash in my back.

“She’s losing too much blood. Hyde, get my bags, I think her kidney’s ruptured.”

“Blake,” I whisper.

Lips press against my forehead, and my body relaxes at the touch, letting the fog clouding my brain come through. Everything fades, faster and faster.

“I’m here, love. Hold on.”

I’m gone.


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