The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2) - Page 76

Booming laughter resounds through the kitchen. I set my glass on the island and move to lean against it. Blake grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap, my back against his front. His fingers send shivers down my spine as they brush my hair away from the side of my neck. Trembles of desire spike through me, my eyes closing on their own as his lips gently caress my skin.

“Get a room,” Dresden says as he joins us, his heavy strides breaking the serenity around us.

“Nice to see you too, Python.” I sit up straight, staying on Blake’s lap but leaning my elbows and forearms on the counter.

“Why haven’t we heard from Bates, Lily?”

My eyebrows shoot up. “Relax, man. He’ll contact us when something important comes around.”

“Shannon’s morning sickness is starting to get worse. I don’t know if I’m cut out for that shit.” He sighs and leans against the counter as chuckles wave through everyone else. “It ain’t funny, assholes.”

“Not like I can help it.” Shannon runs her hand up his back, and he shivers.

“I know, mein schatz. Just hate seeing you like that.” Dresden straightens up and pulls her into his arms, splaying his hand across her stomach.

Blake tightens his arms around my waist, and I lean into him. I’ll be lucky if I can pull off doing this mission alone. He and the others are too observant. I’ve got to take extra care not to make them suspicious of anything.

The front door opens and closes as Caleb, Carson, and Sorina join us. It’s getting too crowded in this kitchen. Sorina’s eyes are puffy and she shuffles her feet as she walks. It hurts to watch her suffer still. Losing someone you love is never easy, and unlike losing Dresden and me temporarily, Samuel won’t ever come back.

“Mom, can Carson and I go watch a movie?”

My mouth pops open slightly. She’s never really asked permission for something like that before.

“Of course. Do you need anything?”

She shakes her head and shuffles toward her bedroom. Carson stays behind for just a moment.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Lily. She’s going to be okay. Takes time.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and turns, following her into the bedroom.

Blake sighs and kisses my shoulder. The tension in the room has grown considerably. No one knows how to help Sorina. This isn’t like helping the girls we saved from auctions. We’re all too tied to Sorina and trying to deal with Samuel and Jameson’s deaths as well.

“I’m going to go lay down.” I stand and plant a quick kiss on Blake’s cheek. His gaze follows me all the way to the bedroom. I can feel the pull on my back, his energy the strongest thing in the house.

Dropping my guns on the nightstand, I flop into bed, the tears coming instantly, running down the sides of my face. I miss Jameson. The shit with my pending wedding is overwhelming. I never thought anything would be more stressful than the year I spent away from Blake, but fuck if all this shit ain’t playing hell on my nerves.

I let the tears fall until my eyes get heavy. Sleep is nothing but nightmares, but hell, right now, reality hasn’t been much better.


24 days left.

Sammi and I spent the last three days holed up in the tech office. It made keeping things from Blake and the others easier than I could’ve hoped for. Caleb and Dresden keep checking on us though. Probably making sure I don’t get angry and try to kill her. I wouldn’t at this point. My whole fucking, insane plan falls apart if I don’t have Sammi’s help.

“Seroquel takes too long to go into effect. If you’re going to knock them out and have a helicopter land within fifteen minutes, you need something quick and strong, mate.” Sammi taps her thumb against her desk.

I pace back and forth. The sleep meds the doctors have won’t cut it. I’d be waiting over an hour for most of them to take effect since I can’t give them through

injection. This whole idea is stupid. I can’t back down though. Deep down, I can feel it in my gut— I have to do this one alone.

“Figure it out, Sammi. I don’t give a damn what we use, as long as it does the job at this point. We’re running out of time.” I flop down in the chair in front of her desk and put my head in my hands.

“Relax, Lily. I’m not gonna let you down.” She scoots her chair up and types with lightning speed, her eyes darting from monitor to monitor.

This mission has to be wrong. It can’t be Jax. I don't believe that. This is the Taurus trying to make it look like something it isn’t. Jax would never betray me or this team. He trained us, brought us together. We’d be nothing if it weren’t for him. Under his command, we all made it home, every time. I sigh, rubbing my face.

I’ve got two agents killed.

A knock at the door snaps me back to reality. Sammi quickly starts closing out of whatever she was looking at before she yells for the person to come in. As the door creaks open, I stand, my stomach instantly clenching as Blake steps into the room, followed closely by Caleb, Vlad, and Dresden. Dresden and Blake are getting along well considering all the things over the last few weeks.

Tags: Courtney Lynn Rose Agents of Interpol Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024