The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2) - Page 77

“What’s going on?” Caleb’s voice is even and stern. The voice of a Fed.

Sammi and I glance at each other, feigning ignorance. “What do you mean, mate?”

“Don’t fuck with us, Sammi. You two have been holed up in here for days. What gives?” Dresden takes a step forward, crossing his arms over his chest.

His mood isn’t going to improve until this is all over. He’s got more to lose now than any of us, and Shannon’s pregnancy is finally starting to show. Not much, but that little bump is going to become a beach ball quickly, and every day Dres gets more irritated.

“Nothing’s going on. You guys need to chill the fuck out. You’re starting to piss me off.” I walk with purpose toward the door, attempting to slide between Caleb and Vlad to leave.

Caleb grabs my upper arm, halting me in place. My eyes narrow and I look slowly from his hand to his face.

His voice is low, still stern, but laced with confusion. “I don’t know what you’re planning, Viper, but Blake and I can feel it. Don’t do something stupid.”

My eyes flicker toward Blake, his face tight, eyes shining with pain again. He reaches around Caleb and gently cups the side of my face. Involuntarily, my eyes close and I lean into his touch. My heart pounds against my chest and it takes everything in me to keep my mouth shut. I hate lying to Blake, but this time, well, every time I have, it’s been necessary.

Opening my eyes, I stand straight and pat Caleb’s cheek. “You worry too much. Both of you.” I glance at Blake again before stepping away from them and walking from the room.

I exhale loudly, making my way to the kitchen. Teresa is doing dishes and singing quietly to herself. She’s been too quiet lately. It makes me nervous. Sliding one of the stools out, I sit and watch her. Her head turns slightly in my direction, acknowledging I’m here.

“Want a drink?”

I chuckle as she shuts the faucet off and dries her hands, finally turning to look at me. “Tequila.”

A grin spreads across her face as she moves around the kitchen making my drink. She leans against the counter as she sets the glass down and slides it to me. It hardly burns my throat anymore and tastes delicious.

“So, you excited about all dis wedding stuff?” Teresa doesn’t even crack a smile.

I huff and take a sip of my drink. “I’d be more excited if they’d leave certain shit alone.”

“Ha! I told ‘em to leave the family thing alone, Lily. Men don’t listen though.”

“Ain’t that the goddamned truth.” I slowly shake my head and down the rest of my Tequila before glancing at my watch.

It’s 7:00 P.M. and the sun is going down. An attack isn’t expected but, who knows what could happen at this point. I’ve hardly slept for weeks, and while someone new stands guard every night, I find myself sitting up, staring out the windows. I’ve waited for a response to the message I sent, but so far nothing. Anyone else would respond to a message carved into a corpse . . .

Something big is coming though . . .

I can feel it.



Getting lost in an auction is a hell of a way to spend my twentieth birthday. Thankfully, Dresden and Vlad find me fast enough. The rape almost doesn’t matter at this point. I don’t feel. Jax says it’s a risk we have to take. He probably wouldn’t say that if it was his body on the line, but, it’s whatever. I got to use my new hunting knife. It cuts through muscle like warm butter.

“You gonna hold that thing forever?” Dresden stares at the blade as I twirl it on the table. “You ain’t careful and you’ll cut a finger off.”

“Do I look that fucking clumsy?” I balance the tip of the hilt with my finger, drawn to the way the dim light of the office shimmers off the barely used silver.

“Never said you were, Lily. You okay?” He reaches over and tries to touch my arm.

Jumping from my seat, I snatch the knife up and speed walk to the other side of the table, tremors and shakes taking over my shoulders. That was too fucking close.

“I’m good. The mission got a little fucked up. Not a big deal.”

Fuck. Breath. Dresden has got to learn space. It’s been the same shit with him for three years. He keeps pushing it and I’m going to cut his fucking fingers off.

“Why can’t we touch you? People in the ring do and—”

Tags: Courtney Lynn Rose Agents of Interpol Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024