Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 4

My oldest friend.

Chapter Two

Present Day

Viking kills his vivid black Harley Davidson Forty-Eight next to mine. “This the place?” He questions as he climbs off.

I stare at the blue neon sign that reads Night Moves. “Must be a Seger fan.” I snort. “Yeah, it’s the place.” Slick said this strip joint was her latest known place of employment. It’s the fourth lead I’ve tracked down. Every time I think I’m on the right trail I hit a dead end. I climb off my royal blue Road King and light up a smoke. We’re early.

“How you wanna play it?”

“Cool. Don’t want to spook her. She’s a runner.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Just a feeling.” I pull the photograph Slick gave me out of my wallet and stare at the now wrinkled and creased image, but I have every detail memorized. Fuck me her portrait gets prettier every time I look at it. Long, dark hair streaked with highlights I ache to wrap around my fist. Pretty bow shaped smile with a beauty mark on her left cheek I want to kiss. Light brown eyes that remind me of caramel.

Its more than attraction though. Hazel isn’t only the Prez’s niece. “Honey Bee,” I mutter under my breath. My lips spread into a shit eating grin on their accord on instinct.

“All right. We’ll play it your way, man. You do know that staring at her pic won’t make her materialize in front of you, right?”

“Fuck off.” I suck in a hard drag off my cigarette.

Viking grins at me flashing his pearly whites. “Prez’ll cut your balls off and hang’em in his office.”

I exhale a ring of smoke. “It’s not like that.”

“Sure it’s not.” He punches me in the arm. “Your secret is safe with me, bro. You’ve stared at that damn picture of her every stop since we left Charleston. Bet you stroke one out to it every night after your milk and cookies. What happens on the road stays on the road. You want to get in there I won’t stand in your way is all I’m saying.”

“Right. Like your pansy ass will do anything. Surprised you aren’t back at the room jerking off to thoughts of what’s her name?” I shove the picture back in my wallet.

“The fuck you talking about?”

“Wylla Mae’s friend. The one with the nice rack.”

Viking’s expression hardens. “I don’t know who that is.”

He knows exactly who I’m talking about. The bitch he’s been pinning over. He thinks no one has noticed, but everyone knows he wants in there. I lick my lips and snuff my cigarette out with my boot. “Cool. So, you won’t mind when I take her out on the back of my bike.”

He rolls his eyes and the muscle in his jaw ticks. “Shut up.”

“Think she likes it rough and kinky? Ass slapping? Hair pulling? Neck biting? Whips and chains? Handcuffs?” I cock a brow and smirk.

“I’m warning you. Don’t go there.” He rolls his neck, the thick veins in his arms pop out. Shit. He’s tore up at the thought of it.

“Thought you didn’t care about Andi. She turned you down, didn’t she?” I press my luck and wonder if he’s about to knock me on my ass.

“I didn’t ask her out.”

“Shit.” I’m thrown off by the seriousness of his tone. “Why not?”

“I’m not talking about this right now. We got bigger things to worry about.”

He’s right. We do. I slap him on the back. “Let’s get a beer and see some titties.”

“Now you’re speaking my language.”

I let him off the hook for now, but I’m not the club’s chaplain for nothing. I care about my brothers. They’re all I got. Only family I’ve ever had. Besides my little Honey Bee. I shake my head as another smile crosses my face. Hadn’t thought about the brat in years. Not since I was released from juvie. Looked for her for months but nothing came of it. I was a kid without resources. Hell, I didn’t even know her last name. Doubt she would’ve remembered me if I had found her. At least that’s the lie I tell myself to keep the guilt from eating at me.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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