Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 5

We were just two lost kids looking to belong to somewhere but all we had was each other. Only now I’m about to be face to face with her for the first time since we were kids. I’m nervous. Anxious even. I don’t get nervous. I’m a fucking Royal Bastard, but my stomach churns and my palms slicken with sweat.

From what Slick shared with me Hazel isn’t living that beautiful life I envisioned for her when I set fire to that house with that old cunt in it.

I follow Viking into the strip joint. The glow of blue neon illuminates the entrance. We pay the cover charge and hit the bar for that much needed overpriced beer.

We may be early, but the place is already crawling with bitches eager for the Benjamins. Lucky for them I’ve got a wad of cash on Murder’s dime. I’ve got my orders. Find Prez’s niece and bring her home. No matter what.

His sister gave a kid up for adoption or some shit, been searching for her for years. Finally got a solid hit on her after chasing down her ghost for months so here we are. What I never anticipated is that Prez’s niece and my Honey Bee would be the same person. Haven’t shared that information with a soul. I’m still processing it myself.

I’d given up on ever seeing her again, and now I don’t know what the fuck to do about all these old feelings clawing their way to the surface. Curiosity being the biggest. Is she happy? Will she remember me? Will she feel the same as she once did? Will our connection be as strong as it once was? Is she with someone?

I sound like a pussy. Might as well start a circle jerk where my brothers and I meet once a week to talk about our emotions instead of club business.

I know I need to push these thoughts away to focus on what we came here to do. Find Hazel and get her back to West Virginia to reunite with her mother.

It’s important to Prez and its my obsession for a host of other reasons.

I take a swig of my beer and scan the room for her. Club is about what you’d expect for any run of the mill titty bar. Dim club with flashes of neon lights giving a glow around the stage. Scantily clad women of all sizes and shapes. A real pussy smorgasbord. Fake tits. Real tits. Big asses. Flat asses. Whatever a man fancies for the night they got it. Hell, I think I even saw a sign for a midget. Music City’s tiniest dancer or some shit.

Know one of these cunts will turn on her for the right price. Once we flash some money the greedy ones will provide whatever information I want. Everyone has a price. Money always talks and bullshit walks. Had a few scammers try to feed me shit for some spare change in the last town, but I have a good inkling that for once my luck is changing.

Viking moves off to a booth to do his own re-con which I suspect has more to do with working Andi out of his system than helping me with Hazel. We all have our own demons. I turn to the bartender who looks like she should be on a street corner instead of slinging drinks her makeup is so god damn thick and intense. “Keep the beers coming for my friend and myself.”

“You got it, handsome.” She winks a heavy false eyelash at me. Thing is so damn big it looks like a butterfly wing. I start to ask her how she sees with all that shit impairing her vision, but I don’t think insulting her will get me any answers.

I slide some bills on to the bar along with Hazel’s picture. “Look familiar.”

The woman glances at the picture. “You a cop?”

“Do I look like a pig?”

She gives me a once over and smiles once she sees the money. “You planning to hurt her?”

“Far from it. Her family is looking to reconnect.”

“Not everyone wants to be found.”

“You gonna deny her mother her dying wish,” I lie.

Her face softens. “Shit. You for real?”

“Wouldn’t lie about something so damn tragic.”

“You should talk to Crystal.” She nods toward the stage.

“Much obliged. Keep half for yourself. Cash me out some ones too.” I pull some extra bills out of my wallet then I tuck the photo back in with the ones she hands me. I shove off and plant myself closer to the stage. Crystal is a dark-skinned beauty with a booty that tells me when God made her, he was feeling like an ass man. Her chest is flat but damn that ass. Could balance a steak dinner on that fine thing.

I smirk when I catch her eye. I toss some bills her way. Reeling her in slowly. Viking comes up on my left. The way her mouth parts and her eyes flutter at the sight of him I know what play I gotta make here.

“That our mark?”

“According to the bartender.”

“You making co

ntact or want me to handle it?”

“All you.” I slap money in his palm.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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