Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 8

“Honey, you’re on,” Jazz says, and I can only nod.

I’m afraid if I open my mouth to speak, I’m going to say something embarrassing like push me against the wall and kiss me stupid or fuck me even.

Crazy stupid is what I am.

I don’t know this man, but I’m drawn to him. Like magnets. I crave him. Like I said, he’s tall with dark, silky hair that keeps falling into his eyes.

There’s a dangerous air about him. Maybe its his tattoos or his black leather cut, but I’ve always had a thing for damaged bad boys.

My feet move on their own. My music starts and I nearly miss my cue. I blink and take a breath. Time to focus on what I’m really here for. Money. Not being stupid over a man I don’t know. I can’t afford to lose control and yet when I sense his attention on me as I wrap a leg around the pole that is exactly what I want to do.

Let go of all my inhibitions.

I do a slow half turn never losing sight of him as he moves closer to take in the view of me gyrating in a simple black bra and booty hugging coordinating shorts.

His dark gaze holds promises of him fulfilling my every desire.

I try my best to block him out and get lost in the beat of the music. Moving my body fluidly like I’ve done what seems like a million times before. I’m a huntress and these men are my prey. It’s not supposed to be the other way around. But as I dance and watch him watching me, I know the tables are turned, and I could easily get addicted to the high of being chased. I tease at unhooking my bra, giving him a peepshow of my nipples, feeling sexier than I ever have.

I’d like to say it’s the liquor giving me a confidence a boost, but it’s him. The way he’s watching me. Like he wants to come up on this stage and fuck me six ways to Sunday.

I drop to my knees, crawling to the edge of the stage where he stands. His lips curve around the brown bottle of beer as he sucks back a drink. The muscles in his throat move with the action beneath the ink of his tattoo that covers most of his neck. I can’t make it out from this angle, but something tells me its hella sexy.

Spreading my thighs, I roll my hips. My breasts bounce up and down as my hair whips across my face. I shift to my back and pump my hips. Money showers over my body, but I ignore it and continue the show hoping for a good night.

Trailing my fingers between my breasts I pretend they belong to him. Carving a path to where I want his face between my thighs with that tongue he’s teasing along the seam of his lips. I run my fingers along the crotch of my shorts as though I’m fucking my own hand. I never get turned on when I dance but tonight is different. My sexy biker isn’t like other men that much I know. They come for the fantasy but the way he staring at me it’s as though he’s here for me. Only me.

It thrills and scares the shit out of me.

I finish my set and Crystal is on her way out of the room. She grabs my arm. “You and me plus the biker hotties after closing. Girl, he had a load of cash on him. We leave Dirty Tony out of this one. I have that good shit. Swiped it off Bruno. He won’t care when I bring home extra paper. Besides, I need laid, and that limp dick motherfucker owes me a night. I know he’s been fucking around with Latonya again.”

“His other baby mama?”

“Yeah. Nasty bitch. Don’t even take care of their daughter. Dumped her and her three other brats on her momma and sister. Least I take care of me and mine.”

I grimace and keep my mouth shut. There’s nothing I can say I’ve not said till I’ve turned blue in the face. Bruno finds out she fucked a biker he’ll beat her and take her money. Though he’ll probably do it anyway so who am I to judge her for getting her kicks where she can.

I still wish she’d leave his ass. Crystal deserves better. I get so damn mad at her because she should want better too. This isn’t the life I would’ve chosen for myself, but it’s the hand I was dealt.

I touch up my lipstick and think about my tall, dark, and sexy biker.

I could go for some fun myself.

Chapter Four

“Think they’ll show?”

“Hell yeah. Crystal bitch was horny as fuck. Bitch practically rode me in the champagne room. Could fucking smell her pussy. She was dripping for it.”

“Cool. Cool.” I light up a cigarette, pull back the dingy curtain, and peer out the motel window for the millionth time in the past fifteen minutes.

“Bro, what the fuck is up with you? Acting like you about to lose your virginity or some shit.” Viking gives me a hard look.

“Just keyed up. Excitement of fucking finding her. Sooner we get this over with sooner we get back to Charleston.”

“Bullshit. Saw you staring at her picture like a lovesick puppy. I know you, man. You want in there. You fuck her before or after you tell her why she’s here I don’t care but let me get mine with that Crystal bitch before you blow our night all to shit with the heavy.”

I snort. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell her tomorrow over breakfast.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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