Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 9

“Good. Now stop acting like a school girl waiting for her crush to pick her up for a movie date. Fucking making me all jittery and shit too with all of your fidgeting.”

None of my brothers know who Hazel is to me. That she’s mine. Always has been.

The one I had to let go.

Never thought the day would come I’d get the chance to hold her again. Feel the beat of her heart beneath my palm. Whenever I think about the past we shared, it cuts like a knife. I bled myself dry and sold my soul to give her a sweet life. Gave her everything I had to give and to see this is where she’s ended up is completely fucked up.

Headlights flash in the parking lot. Must be them. I put out my cigarette and go to the bathroom to do a quick rinse with some mouthwash. No one wants to kiss an ashtray.

I’m on my third gargle when I hear the knock. I spit and rinse.

“Who’s ready to par-tay?” Crystal says, dropping her purse on the table that sits by the window. She hasn’t changed out of that red bikini. Just put a jean jacket and cut offs over it.

Hazel enters behind her wearing a gray zip-up style hoodie and black leggings looking like she’s ready to do anything but party. Free of the heavy makeup she wore in the club her natural beauty radiates. Now I see her clearly. My Honey Bee. She doesn’t need all that gunk on her face. Her dark hair, streaked with highlights is styled in a ponytail. I want to wrap it around my fist and give it a good yank as I kiss her. Her caramel eyes focus on me. Her pink lips tip into a smile, hiding the mole on her cheek in the groove. All that pole dancing keeps her in good shape. She’s got banging curves. Thick hips, toned stomach, natural double D breasts I’m eager to get reacquainted with.

“You got any music or what?” Crystal goes to the side of the room Viking’s claimed and is kicked back on the bed. She drops her ass to his lap, hooking her arms around his neck. They go at it hot and heavy. Bitch is about to swallow his damn tongue.

I study Hazel trying to get a read on her as she returns my gaze. Her lashes flutter over her eyes with an edge of shyness now that she’s no longer in the sexually charged atmosphere of the club.

“You want to go have a drink down by the pool with me?”

Blush sets in on her cheeks. “Yeah, I don’t think they’ll notice.”

I look back at Viking to see her friend practically dry humping his dick.

I grab the six pack of ponies and the extra key card. I have no plans of fucking Hazel. I don’t know whether to be offended or thankful she hasn’t recognized me. I need to know what led her down this path. To know that it wasn’t all in vain. The beatings. The fire. My years in juvie. My life without her.

We can’t go back and change the past I know, but I never wanted this for her. Taking her clothes off for money. Hooking up with strange men at cheap motels.

I pull out a chair at one of the tables. “Sit.”

“Thanks,” she mutters, and I hand her one of the beers after popping the cap off. She takes a swig, and her face softens in satisfaction.

“Long night?”

“Something like that.”

“You enjoy it?”

“What? Dancing?”

“Yeah.” I take a seat across from her and pop the cap off my own beer forgetting I just rinsed with mouthwash. The two flavors mixing nearly takes me out. I gag and spit it out.

Hazel snickers. “Something wrong with your beer?”

I cough and pun

ch my chest. Shit is brutal. Like toothpaste and orange juice. “Nah. I’m good. You didn’t answer my question.”

“Stripping, right. I mean it wasn’t my childhood dream to grow up and take my clothes off for horny men, but shit happens.” She shrugs.

“What was? The dream that is.”

“Promise not to laugh?”

“Biker’s honor.”

“Is that a thing?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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