Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 11

Naked and willing.

“Penny for your thoughts.” She moves in close again. Palms to my shoulders, legs latched over my hips.

“Trying to figure you out.”

“I think you think too much, Holy.” Hazel floats on her back, legs still attached to me. Small waves ripple over her torso as she drifts away. Her pretty nipples hardened, pointing to the stars, begging me to taste them.

Gripping her armpits, I pull her back to me. I wonder what she’d say if I told her I want to tie her up and tease her till she’s dripping wet and on the verge of tears for my dick. That she’s mine. Always has been. My Honey Bee.

Hazel rolls her hips, rubbing her snatch against my erection. I grab her ass and stalk toward the steps. Our mouths collide. The cool air chills the upper half of my body, but I don’t give a fuck right now as I put her on the cement steps of the pool, ready to claim her right here. Not caring who sees me fuck her.

I loom over her on my knees. My tan ass in the air pebbled with goosebumps. Her nails scratch down the scarred ridges of my back, and I stiffen out of reflex.

Hazel is too into me to notice or too nice to be vocal about the interruption. Kissing her again is the perfect distraction from telling her the truth.

I’m horny and selfish.

Bastard born.

I’ll push and push till I get my way.

If she were smart, she’d ran the second our eyes met in that club.

I’m not the boy she knew. When I lost her, that monster who lives inside me broke free.

There’s no caging or taming him.

Devil knows she tried.

I stroke a finger along her cheek and thrust my hips dry humping her. Giving my cock just a taste of her pussy over the crotch of her panties.

My wet hair hangs in my eyes as she grabs the diamond encrusted cross pendant that hangs around my neck tugging me closer to kiss me again. The warm water laps against my cold ass. “Holy,” my road name leaves her lips like a prayer, but there’s nothing saintly about me.

If I were a good man, I’d have already told her who I was and why I’m here.

That she got her wish. A real family of her own. People who want nothing more than for her to come home. I was supposed to be that.

Her protector.

Her friend.

Her family.

Only I stole her innocence.

Woke her up in the middle of the night already inside her because the monster inside me broke free to claim her. Like I want to do now.

Chapter Five

Making out with Holy has the ghosts of my past making an unwelcome appearance. The moment I touch the grooves scarring in his back my thoughts turn to Benicio. My Beni. He had scars on his back. I try not to think about my childhood or him. Especially not him. My first and if I’m honest only love. Remembering him hurts too deeply. He broke every promise he ever made me.

I don’t know if he’s alive or dead. What I want is to forget he hurt me. I grab the cross hanging around this guy’s neck, pulling him back in for another kiss. I didn’t come here to fuck him. That’s not the game I play with the men we roll. We get them liquored and drugged. They pass out before things go too far. Then we take their money and leave. When they wake up, they don’t remember the night before. It’s all a drunken and hazy blur.

This biker. Holy. I’m attracted to him in ways I can’t explain, but whenever he barely looks my way my body hums in awareness of him. I’ve not felt this way since my Beni. He reminds me of how I imagine him as a grown man.

My thoughts go back to the scars on this man’s back. Could he be? Be my Benicio?

Thrusting his hips, the tip of his cock kisses my pussy over my underwear. He feels good. Too damn good. Good in a way that has me wanting to do stupid things like grab his cock and g

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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