Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 12

uide him right on in to fuck my brains out right here on the stairs of this pool.

“Hey,” Crystal hollers. "Is this a private party or can anyone join?”

Holy drops his forehead to mine and smiles against my lips before shoving off the steps and back into the depths of the water.

Crystal strips down to her red bikini. The other biker grabs her around the waist and slings her into the pool. Sputtering as she comes to the surface, she scowls at him. “Dickhead. You can rethink that blowjob,” she threatens.

The big dude’s response is a deep belly chuckle. Holy’s made it to the deeper end of the pool and Crystal swims toward me. “Looks like you hit it off with the friend.”

“I guess.” I play it off. The part of this ugly gig I hate the most is guilt. Sometimes I wonder if these men have kids and if I’m taking food out of their mouth. Then I reason with myself that they are assholes who probably cheat on their wives, and they deserve it.

Holy though...there’s something different about him. Maybe it’s simply lust. Maybe there’s a part of me that wishes for once I’d allow myself to feel more. To get close to a man. He was right when he said I’d be hard pressed to find a man who’d sweep a stripper off her feet. I know it happens. It’s rare but there was one girl at the club who married her sugar daddy when she got pregnant.

Lefty went ape shit. Lennox was one of his biggest seat fillers. She was a blonde bombshell. Reminded me of Anna Nicole Smith with her thick curves, large tits, and big hair.

I watch Holy and wish that my life was different. That I was off somewhere living the dream with Beni like we always planned.

This isn’t who I was meant to be. What I would have chosen for myself. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t stop. The thrill is addictive. So is the money.

“I’ll distract them while you put the goods in his beer. Little three-way action. Know what I’m saying? I already drugged the big guy.”

I curl my fingers inward wanting to punch her in the face. I don’t want her anywhere near Holy. It’s stupid I know. After tonight I’ll likely never see him again. He’s the same as any other john. A means to an end. The rocker on the back of his leather vest says he’s out of West Virginia. Probably passing through. He’ll wake up tomorrow and chalk it up to a drunken night but a good time.

No harm no foul.

“I need a drink,” I announce on my exit.

The other biker strips and dives into the water. I ignore him mostly but he’s a big dude with tribal tattoos that are hella sexy if that’s your type.

I smile at Holy as the shame of what I’m about to do festers inside me like a toxin.

Crystal instigates a splashing war. I need to work quick. With my back to the group, I slip the baggie out of Crystal’s jacket pocket and sprinkle some of the white powder in a beer. An arm snakes around my midsection from behind. Holy’s cock pulses against my ass as he towers over me in height.

A rush of adrenaline spikes through my blood. Did he see what I did?

Holy’s lips move along the shell of my ear. “Why don’t we take this back to the room, just you and me, yeah?”

Nervousness overcomes me and I freeze. Maybe it’d be easier to fuck him and wait till he’s asleep to roll him or not at all. For the first time, I don’t want to go through with the plan. Is it so wrong to want something real? Something for me?

“Bitch, where’s my beer?” Crystal hollers before—I glance at the other leather vest to read his name, Viking dunks her.

I grab the bottle I intended for Holy. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and why being near this man has me choosing him above all else. Over my only friend. Crystal is going to kill me. I start toward the pool with the roofied beer, only Holy grabs it and takes a hard swig.

“She can fetch her own.” He winks.

I nod as he chugs.

Shit. I gather my clothes. “I need the bathroom,” I announce. What’s wrong with me? Why do I give a shit about some random biker? Is it because he reminds me of my Beni?

“Right,” he mutters and follows me back to the room.

He dumps his stuff in a chair and comes right for me.

“Easy tiger.” I press my palms to his chest.

“What’s wrong? You were eager for my cock in the pool, no?” Holy cocks his head to the side, studying me as his finger grazes along my hip.

One touch is all it takes for me to forget about my real reason for being here. I ignite once more, and he knows it coming in for the kill.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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