Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 18

“Yeah. Good. Just tired. I didn’t get much sleep.”

“I know I fucked up with you.”

“Jackson.” I shake my head. “Let’s not do this. I needed a friend today and you came through. Let’s leave it at that.”

“If that’s what you want.”

“It is. I’m not the girl for you.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. I gotta get in there. But you owe me a dinner at least.”

“Okay. Whatever you want. My next night off.”

“I’m gonna hold you to it.

“I’ll be there.”

He gives me a nod and brushes a hand over his buzz cut head. “I know.” Jackson exits the truck and leaves it running. I slide across the console into the driver’s seat and adjust it and the mirrors before backing out and driving straight to Crystal’s apartment.

I pull in and do a quick scan. I don’t see my car or Crystal’s either. I text her again and get a response finally.

Crystal: Hey girl, sorry. I fell asleep.

Hazel: I need to get my car.

Crystal: Come on over.

Hazel: Okay...I’m already here.

I’m a bit peeved she didn’t bring me my car and expects me to just come get it when she was supposed to bring it to me. But whatever. I’m here now. I go knock on her door to get my keys. I still don’t see my car anywhere though. Maybe she had to park somewhere else?

It’s chillier out than I thought. The sunshine is misleading. A shiver rivets through me as I stroll along the sidewalk in front of Crystal’s building. Like me she lives in a bottom unit, but the layout is different since hers is a two bedroom and mine is a single. Normally when I come over Bruno is home and the Tv or his music is blaring so loud she can never hear me knock. Today there’s nothing. The silence has me uneasy. I tap on the door a few times. “Crystal, it’s me. Hazel. I’m here.” No response. “I came by to get my car. I have to work tonight.”

Nothing still.

I bang with my fist. My worry only growing stronger with each rapt.

I think I see movement in one of the windows.

What the hell is she doing?

The door opens while I’m mid knock, and I nearly punch Bruno in the face. He looks around me then jerks me inside by my shoulder. He slams the door shut behind me.

“Hey,” I snap. “What the hell?”

“Where’s Crystal?” he barks at me. I don’t know what she sees in the man. He’s not attractive. Pudgy belly that hangs over his jeans. He’s balding and doesn’t take care of himself at all. He’s gross and not a nice person. I could see if he treated her like a queen because looks aren’t everything, but he doesn’t.

“That’s why I’m here, asshole. She has my car and I need it back.”

“She ain’t here,” he growls, spit flying at my face. I shrink back from him as he leers at me, and that’s when I notice the scratches on his face and neck. What appears to be blood speckled on his white t-shirt.

“Do you know where I can find my car?”

“Maybe if you tell me where I can find my money you and that bitch owe me.”

“I don’t owe you a damn thing.” I turn my back on him and go for the door when he grabs me from behind by my ponytail.

“Told me how you picked up them bikers. How she fucked around on me for payback. How you stole my product.” He tugs on my hair harder.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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