Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 19

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play stupid with me, cunt.” He grips my chin and twists my head up at an awkward angle. “I’ll get my money outta you one way or another.” He licks his lips and comes at me like he’s going to kiss me.

“Let me go.” I squirm but Bruno tightens the hold he has on my waist with his thick arm.

“You bitches thought you could take from me. Make a fool of me. Naw. No one makes me look stupid. Can’t play me. Know you’re a whore who’ll give it up to anyone, and now I’m going to fuck you till I get my fill then pimp you out till I get back my money you whores costs me.”

“Jackson’s outside waiting for me. If I’m not back out in five minutes he’ll come in after me. You don’t want to do this.”

Bruno releases me and shoves me forward. I knock my head on the door but not hard enough to inflict any real damage.

“You think I’m scared of that pansy mother fucker?” he undoes his belt and I think I’m going to throw up.

“Bruno please.” I face him while reaching behind me for the doorknob.

I shoot my shot kneeing him in the groin.

Chapter Eight

After swapping my bike for an SUV from Riff I go back by Hazel’s place again. There’s no red car but there is a prick in a shitty truck parked out front. I watch Hazel strut out and climb in. My heart squeezes tight at the sight. Shouldn’t bother me that she’s had a life outside of me and yet it does. The thought of any other man having her makes me want to blow his brains out. She’s mine. She’s always been mine. She always will be. Whoever this asshole is he better not get comfortable having a place in her life. The second I have a chance to nab her she’s out of here, done with stripping, and this fool. I don’t give a fuck what anyone has to say about it. I wait for them to pull out and stay two car lengths behind them trying to get my temper in check.

I can’t go all cockeyed on emotions. Making decisions based off emotions leads to mistakes, and with her I can’t afford to be careless.

Want to take her over my

damn knee and spank her ass for pulling that shit last night, drugging Viking and me. Tie her up and spank her till her ass glows red. Tease all her holes until she begs me to fuck her and then I’ll still deny her as punishment for that stunt. Thinking about it has me wanting to run them off the road and take her now. Bend her over in front of the asswipe and fuck her brains out while he watches. Want him to hear her cry out my name as I fuck her into next year.

They pull in at a warehouse that fills orders for the commercial food industry. The fucker driving exits the truck and Hazel gets behind the wheel before I can attempt to grab her.

She drives back toward her apartment but doesn’t stop there. I follow her into Antioch to another apartment complex. I keep my distance but have her in my sights. Middle apartment bottom floor. The door opens and Hazel jerks forward, disappearing inside. I listen by the door. One thing is clear. Whoever is on the other side of this fucking door with her wants to die the way he is speaking to her.

“You bitches thought you could take from me. Make a fool of me. Naw. No one makes me look stupid. Can’t play me. Know you’re a whore who’ll give it up to anyone, and now I’m going to fuck you till I get my fill then pimp you out till I get back my money you whores cost me.”

Motherfucker just signed his death sentence. I go around the building and hope I’ve got the right back door. I take out my kit and fuck around with the lock. Been a while since I’ve needed to force entry. Should’ve kicked the front door in, but I can’t chance that I’d hurt Hazel. Coming through the back gives me the best shot at the element of surprise. I enter through the living room that also doubles as a dining room. Based on the pictures hanging on the wall I’m betting this is Crystal’s place. Lots of family photos, mostly of her and a kid. I don’t see Hazel.

The front door is wide open, and a man is on the floor with a broken lamp next to his head. I need to get out of here and find Hazel but first this motherfucker is going to answer to me. Blood seeps from his temple, soaking into the beige carpet. Head wounds always bleed heavy.

He opens his eyes and groans. “Who the fuck are you?”

“God.” I kick him in the ribs. “Come near Hazel again and you’ll breathe through a tube and shit in a bag.” I press a boot to his temple. “We understood?”

“Fuck you and that bitch,” he croaks.

“Wrong answer. I don’t know whether you are dumb and ugly or both.”

I press harder and pull my gun out the inner pocket of my cut. I push off his face and squat down. Pressing the barrel between his lips, it hits his teeth. “I don’t think you’re understanding me, man. You so much as fucking think about my woman I’ll come find you and shove this gun up your asshole and pull the trigger. Remember my face because it’s the last thing you’ll see before I end you.” I stand up and kick him again. This time in the nuts. “But before I do that, I’ll peel the skin off your balls with a paring knife, cut them off, fry them up, and force you to eat them.”

Seeing that his skin is now a greenish hue in appearance I think he gets it.

I close the door on my way out. Outside I make it to the parking lot in time to see the truck Hazel’s driving shoot off with a squeal of the tires. It’s a wonder the hunk of junk doesn’t fall apart with the exertion. I hustle to my loaner but don’t know which route she took.

Fuck. I smack my palms on the steering wheel and debate going back and finishing that lousy fucker off. She’s probably freaked and on her way home. I travel in the direction of her apartment when I pass by one of those kinky sex toy stores. Since my girl is unpredictable and feisty, I may need provisions. I enter and first thing there is a display of dildos. Should buy the King Kong and go back and shove it up the bastard’s ass for the shit he said to my Honey Bee, but he’s not worth the effort.

I find what I’m after easy enough. Leather cuffs, a collar, chains, and a pair of handcuffs for good measure. Remote control vibrating butt plug. Wonder how good she can work that pole with one pulsing in her ass while I watch? See a few other things I’d love to use on her but when we get back to West Virginia I have my favorites. Especially the paddle I’m going to take to her ass. My dick practically weeps at the thought of her sweet ass tanned as pink as her pretty little pussy. Going to spank it too while she’s hooked to the spreader bar.

I pay for my items and drive back to Hazel’s apartment. The truck isn’t here but she’s bound to come home sooner or later. I get inside her apartment easy enough without anyone the wiser. I keep the lights off but do an inspection. The layout is simple. There’s a coat or utility closet by the front door then the kitchen and living room that leads to the back patio and off to the side is the bedroom and attached bathroom. The walls are bare of any decor. No personal items on display. No photographs. Furniture is minimal. I open the drawer of her nightstand. Packets of birth control pills and a nail file. A three-drawer dresser sits next to the closet. I open the closet and find it as bare as the rest of the place. A few shoe boxes in the bottom. Mainly heels and a pair of flip flops.

I sniff the bottle of perfume on her dresser. Some flowery crap. I hate it. Doesn’t suit her. My mind flashes to when I had her alone in the pool. The taste of her lips. The way she looked at me like maybe she still loves me even though she didn’t know who I am at the time. There’s always been something between us, but we’re both older now. No longer that forgotten boy and that lonely girl who simply wanted someone to love them.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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