Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 41

“You heard her. You were sitting right here.”

“She didn’t mean it that way. You know that. It’s not the way it sounded. Any man would have been lucky to have you for a daughter.”

“It’s a lot to unpack.”

“Yeah, it is. You want to get out of here or head upstairs to my room?”

“Your place. I need air.”

“Whatever you need. Let’s ride out.” He taps my knee and stands.

I accept his offered hand. The wedding reception has turned a lot wilder. The musky, dead skunk ass scent of weed permeates the bar area. The bride and groom are long gone.

“Is it true? You’ve got an Ol’ Lady now?” Some trashy looking bitch with smeared eyeliner leans up on my man and right now I am not the one. I will rip her head off and shove it up her ass.

I shove the whore backwards. “Know you heard him the first time. Yeah, Holy has an Ol’ Lady. So run along. Your services aren’t wanted nor are they needed.”

“Babe. Not necessary to act like that.”

“Really. So, you wouldn’t have a problem if anyone here came up and put a hand to my ass. Gave it a good squeeze. Or asked me to give them a lap dance since that’s what I’m good at?”

“Rein that shit in right now. Don’t show your ass. They fuckin’ know better.”

“Yeah, now so does she.”

“Can’t argue that.”

“Nope. Don’t even try it. You brought me here. Said you claimed me, whatever that means. Now you got me, and I don’t share, Beni. I won’t be your fool. Sitting at home and bake cookies while you fuck your whores. That ain’t me, babe. Never will be.”

“Jesus, you’re going full blown crazy right now, you know that? Seems I need to school you on being a biker babe.”

I snort. “How about the lesson can wait until after...,” I get up in his face close enough for our mouths to touch, “I’ve had a good night’s sleep and a bath.”

“I can handle that.” He grips my hips and brings his lips down on mine.

He kisses me hard and deep with lots of tongue and the tension leaves my body. How does he have such power over me? I lean into him. “Take me for a ride.”

“I can do that.”

We ride off into the night leaving all our worries behind. The open road lays out before us. My soul is tired, but with my arms wrapped around him I feel like maybe I’ll be all right.


Holy rents a mint green two-bedroom house with an attached porch outside of city limits. The moment he unlocks the door and flips on an interior light his energy shifts. The carefree nature that he encompassed on the road disappears. A dark cloud forms around him as he mutters the phrase, “what the fuck,” under his breath repeatedly.

I peer over his shoulder to see the cushions of his black leather sectional have been split open and the stuffing ripped out.

Yikes. This can’t be good.

He enters the house slowly, and I creep in keeping close but not too close. I’m expecting steam to blow out of his ears at any moment. His fists tighten and I follow his gaze to the broken screen of the Tv mounted to the wall and it appears that’s only the beginning. The words Fuck You are spray painted in bold red letters on the wall.

“Wow,” I mouth to myself as I look in the kitchen. Plates smashed on the floor. Looks like a jar of spaghetti sauce exploded. There’s even some dripping from the ceiling. “Were you robbed?”


Then I see the word cheater on another wall.

“Nothing serious, right,” I mutter. “How many women are you fucking?” This is the work of a scorned woman.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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