Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 42

Holy is standing with both fists clenched and his eyes closed breathing hard.

“One crazy bitch I never should have touched.”

“Right. So should I check the bedroom or...”

“I’ll see if I can get us a hotel room.”

I nod unsure what to say. What can I say? Sorry you were fucking a clingy, psychotic, bitch.

He pulls his cell phone out and makes some calls.

“Hotel is booked and my room at the clubhouse has been loaned out. I’m sorry. I had no idea that crazy cunt would pull some shit like this.”

I try damn hard not to laugh. “You didn’t know. Obviously.”

“I’ll get a prospect to clean this shit up tomorrow.”

“I can help.”

“No. Fuck no. You aren’t cleaning up her mess. This is on me to make right. I’ll sit her down and get her sorted. Joanie won’t be a problem.”

“No way. You aren’t going near the weirdo. After she did this? She’s liable to stab you in the neck or something.”

“I wasn’t asking your permission, Hazel.”

“Right. Is that another one of your biker world rules or something?” I roll my eyes.

“Now isn’t the time to get cute with me. I’m in a raw fucking mood, and I can’t guarantee I’ll be easy if you piss me off to the point of spanking your ass.”

“Is that a threat or a promise? You keep talking big game of all these things you’re going to do but have yet to deliver. Are you all talk?”

He breathes in deep. His dark eyes flash to mine. “You think I’m all talk? Think I won’t bend you over this couch and take my favorite paddle to your ass till it glows red?”

“Wait. You were serious about the paddle, and you say favorite meaning you own more than one? But this chick wasn’t your sub? Do I look dumb to you?” I wasn’t born yesterday. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the dynamic. I’m going to take his favorite paddle and shove it up his ass.

“I like to be in control in the bedroom and test your limits, but that doesn’t make me a dom, babe. Only means I’m a kinky bastard.”

“And what if I wanted to spank you and test your limits. Tie you up and see how far I can push. You’d be okay with that?”

“I’d give it a go if you needed it, but not tonight. I’m beat.”

“Maybe your bedroom isn’t that bad,” I hedge. The thought of tying him up and having my way with him is hot. Crazy bitch be damned.

He stares down the hallway where she got creative with the spray paint. A broken heart and more Fuck Yous. He’s Mine.

We have completely derailed into crazy town, but I give her credit she’s got style and creative flair.

“How long were you seeing this bitch?”

“Not even a month.”

“And you didn’t see any red flags that she was a bit...” I twirl a finger by my ear. “Cuckoo.”

That earns me a chuckle. He regards me with his handsome smile. I’m irritated, but I want to kiss him right now. He’s infuriatingly sexy. Even when he’s annoying.

The bathroom looks to be untouched. Thank a bitch for small favors, I really want a shower. I’d rather not go to sleep all gross and dirty from all the riding we’ve done in the past twenty-four hours. The bedroom however—the stupid bitch is curled up naked, passed out, clutching an empty liquor bottle.

If it wasn’t for her obnoxious snoring, I’d think she’s dead.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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