Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 43

“You’ve got to be shitting me,” he growls. “Fuck this dumb bitch.” He brings his cell phone back out and punches in a number. “I’ve got a situation.”

I don’t know what to do in this position. Part of me wants to throw her out on her ass or call the cops. Another part of me has sympathy for her. The girl obviously has issues. His dick game has to be out of this world to elicit such a strong reaction after one month.

Holy walks out of the room still talking to someone on his cell phone. I stand awkwardly next to his closet and wait for him to get back. I nudge the whore’s foot and she doesn’t budge.

I don’t want to crawl into his bed after she’s been in it. I can’t help but wonder when the last time

was he slept with her.

He returns a few minutes later with a bucket of water.

“Um...you sure you want to soak the bed we’re going to sleep on?”

He puts the bucket down and rubs his chin. “Fuck.”

“Cold shower should do the trick.”

“Right,” he mutters, scooping her into his arms. “Get the light in the bathroom.” He carries her limp body to the shower and puts her in the tub. Her long blonde hair hangs over her tits giving her little modesty.

Ugh. Stupid bitch. I want to smack some sense into her. I hate that she’s here. That she’s fucked him. That he’s having to deal with her at all. Like what else is life going to throw at us today?

Did she really think he’d come home to find his house destroyed and her naked in his bed would forgive it? That he’d be like damn this bitch is crazy best not let her slip away?

“I’ve got Viking coming to pick you up.”

My mouth opens then closes. “Say what?”

“Viking is coming.”

I’m going to choke him. Then her. Or maybe I can get them both at the same time one hand on each of their necks. “You know you’re doing exactly what she wants. Feeding into her bullshit and feeling sorry for her.”

“It’s not like that.”

“Then tell me what’s it like? I won’t share you. You’re the one who was hellbent on my coming here and because this bitch throws a tantrum, you’re tossing me to the side? Is this what you want? Want me to go fuck up more of your shit to get your attention?”

“You didn’t sign on for this. I just figured you’d rather go crash then have to deal with this.” He starts fiddling with the faucet.

“If this thing between us is something you want to explore then she’s the one who needs to go. You stood up in front of your club to say I was your Ol’ Lady. I don’t know much about biker life, but I do know if you say a woman is yours you don’t push her to the side to take care of your scorned fuck buddy. So choose now, Holy. You gonna play hero to this cunt or are you going to get her out of here and keep your word to me? I’m not going to be at your beck and call. Maybe that’s what you are used to from the women you take to bed, but I don’t take orders. And I sure as fuck won’t compete for your attention. You either want to give it to me or I’ll find someone who does.”

“That a threat? You don’t get your way, so you’ll go fuck someone else that it?”

“Well, you aren’t fucking me.”

The cold water sprays on the bitch. She shrieks and sputters.

Joanie stares at us wide eyed. Her gaze settles on me, and she shoots me an evil glare.

“What the fuck? Why is she here?”

Holy doesn’t answer. Instead, he wraps a towel around her. “Get dried off and dressed so we can talk.”

So they can talk? I stomp back to the living room. Fuck this. Fuck Holy. Soon as Viking pulls up, I’m gone. Nothing serious my ass. He can say whatever he wants but his actions are proving otherwise.

I’m not doing this. I won’t play second to his whatever she is. I stare out the living room window watching for my ride out of here. Maybe he’ll drop me at the bus station, or I can get a plane ticket home. I don’t care as long as it gets me out of here. Away from Holy and this fucked up mess.

Joanie is screaming and crying from the bathroom, but the next thing I know Holy has me bent over the back of the couch jerking my pants along with my underwear down to my knees.

“You wanted my attention, Hazel. You’ve got all eyes on you now, babe.” The palm of his hand curves to my right ass cheek, giving it a possessive squeeze. “Didn’t think I needed to prove a damn thing to you of all people.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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