Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 44

I lose his hand, but his breath is heavy in my ear.

Thwack. He spanks me and I bite my lip. “That what you need?” He spanks me again then kneads the tender flesh with his fingers. Thwack. He repeats the motion. “There’s no competition. No comparison. Not when it’s you up against anyone else. You’ll win out every god damn time, Honey Bee.”

I lose a touch of my attitude thanks to the stinging of my ass. “I don’t want her here,” I confess.

“Think I got that when you threw your tantrum.” He continues to rub my tender ass.

“It wasn’t a tantrum.”

Thwack. “Try again,” he grits in my ear.

“Okay. I got pissed.”

“Showed your ass.”

A motorcycle roars in the distance, signaling Viking’s arrival.

“Go to my room. Strip the bedding. There should be clean sheets in the hall closet to switch out with the dirty, then wait for me there.” He pulls my bottoms back up and the cotton of my undies rubs my stinging ass.

When I turn around that stupid bitch is standing at the edge of the hallway dripping water all over the hardwood flooring gripping a towel to her form.

I smirk as I pass by her, bumping her with my shoulder.

That’s right, bitch. He’s mine. I glare at her artwork on the wall that begs to argue.

She shoots me a sad smile. “He’ll do the same to you. Make you think you’re his world then drop you once he’s gotten bored.”

I try to ignore her warning but deep down I wonder if her words hold any weight.

Chapter Seventeen

Hazel moves off down the hall to the bedroom like I told her to, and Joanie stares at me sniffling. “Seriously, what the actual fuck were you thinking coming here and fucking up my shit?”

She drops the towel, showing off her only assets because there sure as shit ain’t anything going on upstairs in that head of hers. “I thought you’d see what I did and want to punish me for being such a naughty girl.” She starts toward me, and I glower at her in warning. She has a great body. Fucking perfect. Pale skin that turns a gorgeous shade of pink when pinched and spanked. But there’s one thing she’s not. Hazel. My wild and free Honey Bee.

Spent most my life thinking I’d never get her back. No way in hell this crazy bitch is fucking that up for me.

“Pick up the towel and have some self-respect. We need to get shit straight right now. I never led you on. Never promised you anything. Was it a dick move forgetting to tell you not to come to the wedding? Yeah, Joanie. It was shit of me, but that doesn’t mean you come to my house uninvited, break in, and smash my shit all to fuck. I meant what I said today. Hazel is someone I’ve always loved. Never thought I’d have her back, but I do. I won’t risk what I plan to build with her for anyone or anything. That’s a check you can cash.”

She secures the towel around her body. “It won’t last.”

“You don’t know anything about me other than we had a few good times. You don’t know how I like my eggs. My history. My favorites. My friends. I never asked shit about what you were into outside of how hard you wanted fucked. You know why that is?”

“You wouldn’t let me in fully.”

“There’s a reason for that. It was sex. I know it sucks to hear it, but that’s the truth of it. I didn’t see us going anywhere. You were a wet hole to get my dick wet in. Nothing more.”

“You invited me to the wedding. You must have liked me on some level.”

“Honestly. Knew I’d be drunk and horny and with a lot of visitors in town I needed to secure my own easy ass. Simple as that. You need to forget about me and live your life. Find a man who wants to give you what it is you imagined you’d have with me. A man who will treat you the way you deserve, because it ain’t ever gonna be me. Only one woman for me and she’s not in this room.”

Joanie appears on the verge of tears again, but Viking enters, and her spine straightens. I snort. “Jesus.” Bitch is a cut slut. Should’ve known. All she wants is a biker. Anyone who pays her any mind will do.

“Hazel ready to go?”

“No. Need you to take Joanie wherever she wants to go.”

“What the fuck happened here?” He laughs, gaping at the disaster that is my living room.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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