Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 45

“Tell you about it later.”

“Yeah, and you fucking owe me.” His focus cuts to Joanie. “Baby doll, good as ya look in just that towel its cold as fuck out, and you’ll freeze to death riding like that.”

Hazel comes down the hall dressed in one of my tees hanging to her mid thighs. “Found her clothes by your bed.” She tosses them at Joanie. The clothes land at her feet. “Now get dressed and get the fuck out. You’ve worn out your welcome.”

Hazel stands at my side, and I pull her in close by the waist pressing my lips to her temple. “Such a brat.”

Viking shakes his head. “Joanie, get the lead out. I got shit to do.”

She snivels then trudges into the bathroom.

“Thanks, man. Appreciate it.”

“Yeah. Yeah. I’ll add it to your damn tab. Crazy bitch better not get any ideas because I’m giving her a ride.”

“Be careful your bike is the only thing you let her ride,” Hazel teases.

“Fuck no. I’ve had enough crazy this week to last me a while. Between getting drugged and now this shit. I’m more than good.”

Joanie reappears in her dress and heels. Bitch will still freeze but that’s not my problem. “I’m sorry about trashing your stuff. I won’t bother you again. Though I’ll need to get my car from down the street.”

Hazel snorts and I squeeze the back of her neck.

“I’ll drop you at your car and follow you to wherever you’re going. Only to make sure you get there,” Viking tells her, obviously wanting rid of her as quickly as possible. “Later.” He lifts his chin, and they leave.

I drop my forehead to Hazel’s. “Please tell me you got the bed made.”

“I did, but um do you have an extra toothbrush?”

“Top drawer of the cabinet. Help yourself. I’m gonna lockup and make sure that fruit cake can’t return to hack us up while we’re sleeping.”

“I wouldn’t worry. I mean I think you’ll be safe. She’ll want to get me out of the way so she can have you all to herself.”

“Then you better hurry to brush them teeth. Want to fuck you before Joanie kills you.”

“Mind if I take a quick shower?”

“You don’t have to ask.”

Hazel smirks and goes to the bathroom. I do a walk through checking the windows and doors, locking my shit up tight. I turn out the lights att

empting not to think about everything that will need to be replaced. Took me months to settle on that damn couch and not even had the damn thing a year. Fucking Joanie. Guess I know what Hazel and I’ll be doing this week.

Truth is I was hoping to sell her on living here with me. Being close to her mom and her family. Getting to know them. We aren’t off to a very good start. Biker wedding. Meeting family for the first time under less-than-ideal circumstances. Psycho fuck buddies breaking and entering. Vandalizing my property. If I were Hazel, I’d want to get the hell outta dodge too. Not letting her run though I probably should. This life isn’t pretty and ugly is all she’s ever known. I want to give her that beautiful life I promised she’d escape Hell to live. The hope I gave her was a garden that never bloomed till now.

In the bedroom I kick off my boots and strip out of my filthy clothes.

Hazel leans against the door frame watching me with heavy eyes and damp hair.

“Go on to bed. I need a shower too. I’ll do a breakfast run in the morning and recruit a prospect or two to get started on the mess.”

“Sounds good.” She crosses the room in my tee, and I love the sight of her here in my shirt. Her dark hair tumbling down her back in loose wet waves. Can’t wait for Roane to brand her body with my ink.

I cup her jaw. “I’m glad you’re here. Today didn’t go the way I wanted.”

“You mean you didn’t set all this up for me?”

“Forgot what a smart ass you can be.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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