Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 52

“And the Ol’ Ladies accept this?”

“Most of them think their man would never step out, and usually they don’t, but shit happens on occasion.”

“Should I be worried or are you going to ask me to turn the other cheek while you get your rocks off with whoever?”

“Not my style. Wouldn’t want you to pull that shit on me. I respect you too much.”


“You need to trust me. If this is going to work, we gotta be on the same page. You need to know that there will be shit I can’t talk to you about and you can’t get all pissy about it. If I say something is club business the conversation ends there.”

“I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a biker’s woman. I don’t take shit and I talk back.”

“That’s why you’ll fit right in.”

“I am so confused right now. Don’t give you lip in public, but I can throw sass at you all day long behind closed doors. Got it.”

“I mean not all day. I can think of a lot of ways to spend your time.”

“Let me guess they all involve ways and places for you to fuck me.”

“Another thing. You gotta get my brand on you.”

“Like they do to cattle?”

“No, my ink. A tattoo.”

“Will it have your name on it? Girls at Night Moves always told me never get a man’s name tattooed on my body. That never works out. It’s like bad juju or whatever.”

“I’m not just any man, babe. I’m the man who is going to marry you.”


“Yup. Real deal. Want to make you mine in every way.”

“Tattoos and marriage, that’s some serious sobering talk.”

“I know what I want. Would marry you today.”

“You know just like that after a few days with me?”

“I’ve always known. You trust me?”


“Enough to take a leap of faith and do something a little crazy?”

“Are you saying you want to marry me, Beni?”

“No. I’m telling you that I’m going to whether it’s today, next week, or in five years. When a man knows he knows. No questions. No doubt. Simple as that.”

“So what? We just go get married and not tell anyone? I move to West Virginia and be your Ol’ Lady. Then what?”

“We live that beautiful life we deserve.”

“It’s insane.”


Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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