Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 53

“A big ask.”

“Again. I’m not asking.”

“You’d do it today?”

I steer with one hand and take her left in my right. I brush my thumb over her ring finger. “You marry me, and I’ll put a diamond around you

r finger and your throat.”

“Like a diamond collar? You’re crazy.”

“Think we’ve established that.”

She blows out a breath and stares out the window.

“Think about it.”

“I have a feeling if I fall asleep around you, I’m going to wake up married.” Hazel returns her attention back to me. “I guess this is only a matter of when and not if, huh?”

“Now it’s soaking in.”

“Do you need permission to marry me?”

“Now you’re fishing for excuses. Give me a month. You decide you want out, I’ll let you walk.”

“Just like that.”

I nod.


“Perfect timing.” I grin and take the exit for Gatlinburg. I pull out my cell and dial Easton Reed. “Need a favor. Where did you take Wylla Mae when you eloped?”

“Who’s getting hitched?”

“Keep it to yourself for now, but I am.”

“Prez’s niece?”


“Is this a joke?”

“Am I laughing?”

“Shit, man. Congrats. Fucking real happy for you.”

He texts me the info I need.

Hazel doesn’t think I’m serious about this. Thinks I’m fucking around.

I drive up to the courthouse and park.

“What the hell are we doing?”

“Getting our marriage license.”

“Um...don’t we need birth certificates? Take a blood test? I mean you need an appointment for this sort of thing, right?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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