Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 59

“If you ain’t got shit to hide you’d answer me.”

“Crystal took my car the other day. I let her borrow it. That’s why I was there the other day. I was trying to get my car.”

“You talked to her today?”

“She’s not returned my messages since our conversation last night.”

“What were the two of you arguing about?”

“You and the fact that she bailed Bruno’s dumb ass out of jail.”

“You had no idea she left that poison in your car?”

“I really wish you had more faith in me.”

He licks his lips. “You and your bestie fuckin’ drugged Viking and me so forgive me for having questions.” He scrubs a palm over his face. “We need to go. Now.” He jerks me up by my wrist yanking me toward the door.

“What about my stuff?”

“Later. Your girl ain’t your girl. Was using you. Hard telling how many times they’ve used you and your car for making drops.”

“She’s my friend.”

“Your friend who had you rolling men. Drugging them and who the fuck knows what else. We don’t have time to fight about this. We need to go.”

“Fine. Whatever you say. But what about the drugs? I don’t want that shit in my car.”

“I’ll call the boys over on Royal Road once we get out of here.” He opens the front door and Bruno is waiting on the other side with a gun trained on my husband. I gulp and try not to shit my damn pants.

“Going somewhere?” Bruno forces us backwards. “Don’t try anything stupid, my man. Not so big and bad now that I’m not on the floor.”

“Your shit is in the car. Be smart. Take it and get out of here.”

“Naw. You and your bitch made this shit personal.”

“Let Hazel walk out of here and we can settle it man to man.”

My heart is in my throat. I can’t breathe. I clutch the back of my man’s jeans and feel a gun in his waistband.

“If you’re packing you can go ahead and hand it over. Don’t be stupid. I got a man on your girl.”

My sliding back patio door opens, and Bruno’s dip shit brother joins the party. As promised, he too has a gun. He looks exactly like Bruno but with more hair and less of a gut. Dumber and fucking dumber is what Crystal always called them.

Beni holds his hands up. “Don’t be stupid. You don’t want a beef with RBMC. Let Hazel go.”

“I’ll let her go once we finish what we started. Want that bitch on her knees.”

I wonder if I can get my hands on the gun before they kill us.

“I said on your knees, bitch.”

Tears prick in the backs of my eyes, but I don’t hesitate. Not with the threat their weapons pose. I go to my knees. Max, the dip shit comes up from behind and unarms my man.

Crystal. She set me up. Knew I was here so they could get their dope. My heart cracks.

“Making a big mistake,” is all he gets out as Max brings the butt of his handgun down on the back of his head knocking him out cold.

My husband lays on the floor unmoving, and I know they are going to kill me.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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