Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 6) - Page 60

Oh god. This can’t be happening. It can’t. “Just take your drugs and go.”

“Gonna take whatever the fuck I want. Tie him up.”

“Don’t hurt him.”

“Shut up.” The back of Bruno’s hand flies toward my face, cracking me across the cheek with such force my head snaps back.

Max drags Benicio’s lifeless body to a nearby chair using zip ties to secure his arms and legs. His head lolls to the side but he appears to be breathing.

“Get whatever you think we can sell,” he barks the order at his brother and looms over me. “Now what am I to do with you? Not so big and bad now, are you? Your pussy biker and his club can’t protect you.”

“I’m sorry. Just take what you want and let us go.”

“Stop talking.” He grabs me up by my hair and licks the side of my face. The rotted stench of his breath permeates the air around me and I gag. “Yeah, gonna enjoy this.”

I spit at him and realize my mistake. He isn’t like Holy. He doesn’t respect women. “Bitch.” He back hands me again before head butting me. Stars flash in my line of sight, and I go lights out for minutes or seconds. I’m not sure which. My face throbs with pure pain like I’ve never felt before, but it doesn’t compare to the sheer terror when Bruno tears at my clothes.

First come my tears. I open my mouth to scream but there’s no sound other than a ringing in my ears. I scratch, punch, and kick sporadically hoping to inflict pain. Hoping that if he kills me there will be enough DNA to fry him, but if Holy is still alive, he won’t last long enough to ever see a trial.

My fingernails dig into his forearm, and I bite the side of his face, drawing blood. Bruno howls and rips me away by my hair. I spit and sputter knowing I inflicted damage.

Chapter Twenty-two

I come to. The back of my head is killing me. There’s a pounding pain at the base of my neck that vibrates with each blink of my eyes. I go to wipe at my face and can’t move my hands. My pulse spikes. I blink again and realize I can’t move my legs. I jerk and the chair I’m secured to barely moves.

My stomach lurches. I hear them before I see them. Grunting and laughing. Bile rises in my throat. I’m going to slaughter them. Rip off their arms and legs then their dicks. Lastly, I’ll have their heads. My wife. My wild and free Honey Bee is face down on the floor across from me while they take turns assaulting her.

I jerk violently and my chair turns over. I fall sideways to the floor. A pair of tan boots obstruct my view as I struggle to break free.

“Look who decided to wake up and catch the show.” Bruno squats down and grabs me by my chin. I close my eyes, but he digs his fingers right under the sockets. “Watch,” he growls. “After your little bitch, you’re next. Max loves cock too.” An insidious laughter erupts deep from his gut.

There’s a chunk of his cheek missing, and I know Hazel put up a fight.

“What’s taking so long?” I hear a female voice call out from behind me somewhere. “Oh my god, you said you were just going to scare them.”

Crystal’s cunt ass.

“Told you to wait in the car.”

“Did you? Did you touch her?”

“The fuck you think this is? Take your ass to the car or I’ll let Max fuck you next. Stupid bitch. Ain’t good for nothing. Can’t do a fuckin’ thing right. Lousy pussy. Good for nothin’.”

“I hate you,” Crystal shrieks. “I wish I’d never met you.” I hear the crack of a slap and Crystal cries out.

“That makes two of us. Ruined my god damn life. Ugly whore. Can’t even get it up for you. So yeah, I fucked your friend, and she loved every second of my cock.”

“You’re a real piece of shit.”

“Why are you still here? I said get the fuck to the car.” He kicks her in the stomach and she goes sailing into the wall with a thud.

This whole time the other piece of shit hasn’t stopped his attack on my wife. Only one thing bothers me more and that’s her silence. No cries or pleas for him to stop leave her lips. In fact, she’s not moving at all. My heart nearly stops beating in my chest. I’m powerless. The world stops moving, and I can’t breathe. Everything happens in slow motion, and I can hear my heart splintering into a million pieces. They’ll have to kill me too because I’ll burn the motherfucking wor

ld down for her.

Crystal and Bruno continue to scream at each other. His boots disappear. I close my eyes plotting all the ways I’m going to make them suffer. I’ll kill everyone they’ve ever touched. I’ll take out their whole bloodline.

“Should have got shot of your ass years ago.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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