Broken Bride (Belaya Bratva 2) - Page 58

“We did things to each other,” I reminded him. “Sveta would never have made it in this world.”

“Perhaps not,” Anatoly admitted. “But I think you would be less involved or interested in her.”

“Enough,” I barked out. “Take her somewhere safe, and stay with her until I contact you.”

“I don’t like this plan,” my second answered. “But I will do it for you.”

Even though Anatoly gave me grief about my decision, I was his Pakhan, and it was his duty to complete whatever task I gave him.

“That child is your future leader,” I said as he turned to go. “Your future Pakhan.”

He looked back, nodding briefly. “I know what I am guarding.”

His words hit me hard. He was going to guard my child, potentially my future. Nothing would change that, not even the mother that was carrying my child.

“One more thing, Anatoly.”


“I forbid you to die,” I said. “This is an order.”

Anatoly dipped his head in acknowledgment and I let him go, taking a large sip of the liquid in the glass. Now I had to go tell Naomi that she would be leaving. Ivan had reported earlier that she had asked to see me, but I had ignored her request, letting her remain in the locked bedroom while I tried to start this war successfully.

After finishing off my drink, I exited the study, finding Vera hovering in the hallway. “Master,” she said as I passed by her. “A moment, please.”

I rounded on her, surprised to see the worry etched on her face. “What is it?”

She twisted her hands together nervously. “I hear that war is coming.”

“War is already here,” I bit out, watching as she flinched at my harsh voice. “Make certain that anyone that doesn’t need to be at the mansion is gone in the next hour. All deliveries will need to be checked for explosives. There should be no visitors, no one on these premises that I have not agreed upon.”

“Y-yes, of course,” she stammered, snapping back into the Vera I knew. “I will make sure it happens.”

I balled my hand into a fist. “And you know where the guns are, correct?” In the event I had to leave this mansion with no guards, I wanted to make sure she knew where she could defend herself.

Vera’s jaw clenched. “Of course, master. We take care of our own.” She looked up at the second landing. “What about Sveta Stanislavovna?”

“Naomi,” I corrected her. “From now on, call her by her true name. Naomi. Not Sveta.” She was going to hear the truth soon enough anyway. At least she would hear it from me.

Vera didn’t look at all surprised by the announcement. “It must be a relief to finally call her by her given name then, master,” she responded. “And it’s been a pleasure caring for her.”

I gave her a single nod and started up the stairs, my feet almost like lead with each step. I didn’t know what state I would find Naomi in or what she would demand of me, but I couldn’t keep her near me. I couldn’t fucking think whenever she was around, and I needed all of my attention on this war with Konstantin and the others. I could stand to lose it all if this didn’t happen in the way I had planned.

When I reached her door, Ivan was seated in front of it, his arms crossed over his chest. “Thank you,” I told my driver. I knew he had a soft spot for Naomi after the debacle at the docks and could likely keep her in line without her putting up much of a fuss.

He pushed out of the chair, folding it up and tucking it under his arm. “Of course, Pakhan.”

“Ready the car,” I told him as I passed. “My wife will be leaving shortly.”

Ivan gave me a look, but in the end, he just inclined his head and headed toward the stairs to do my bidding. I paused before her door, drawing in a breath. She had to go. I needed for her to be away from me so I could finally breathe and function like a Pakhan should. She could be keeping other secrets that had yet come to the surface, and with each one, I would become weaker.

She was going to be my downfall if she wasn’t already.

So, I unlocked the door and opened it, finding Naomi sitting on the balcony in a lounger that we had both spent some time in what felt like a lifetime ago. She didn’t even rise when I joined her, choosing to stand at the railing, the morning sun rising behind me.

“I need for you to be honest,” I told her, crossing my arms over my chest. She looked like hell, and a twinge of concern flared in my chest as I took her in.

“I need to know if there are any more secrets you are hiding from me. Whatever you need to say, whatever you need to tell me, I need to know now.”

I wanted it all out on the table between us before I sent her away.

Tags: Brook Wilder Belaya Bratva Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024