Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 17

First Cole and then Crash enfolded him in a bear hug, slapping his back. “Butcher, good to see you.”

“Cole. Crash. Wish it could have been under other circumstances.”

“Amen, Brother.”

His eyes moved to Letty, who was standing next to Cole, and he squinted, not quite sure for a moment. Then he turned to Crash. “This your little sister?”

The corner of Crash’s mouth pulled up as he fought a grin. “It’s the dreadlocks. Wasn’t too sure, myself.”

She shoved his arm. “As if.”

“Well, shit, darlin’. I haven’t seen you in years. Give me a hug, gal,” Butcher exclaimed, pulling her to him.

She gladly went, laughing. “You haven’t changed a bit, still trying to break my bones with your bear hugs.”

He let her go, laughing, his palm patting her cheek. “Just because your big brother took off for that freak-land they call California, doesn’t mean you’re still not welcome, girl.”

“Thanks, Butcher. It’s good to see you. I’m so sorry about Bulldog. He was like an uncle to me and Crash.”

Butcher nodded. “He was a good man. We’re all gonna miss him.” His eyes moved to Skylar who was standing back a bit, and he frowned. “Is that the girlfriend you used to always drag with you to our parties? The shy one?”

Letty turned, smiling. “Skylar? Yep, that’s her. She’s been gone for a while. I finally convinced her to come home.”

“Good for you.” His attention returned to Letty. “Don’t be such a stranger, you hear?”

She nodded, grinning. “I won’t.”

Skylar felt Crash’s arm sliding back around her shoulders. She knew she must seem a little off balance around his brothers, and she could tell he wanted her to feel at ease. She’d never been as outgoing as his sister. Skylar had always been more reserved. She felt his protective arm around her tighten, and he looked down at her and winked.

She stood silently as Butcher introduced Crash to a couple of new brothers that had joined up since he and Cole had moved away.

“This is Ghost,” Butcher nodded to a young guy with shoulder length brown hair, the top portion tied back, and the rest left down. He had a beard and golden brown eyes.

Crash’s eyes glinted with humor as he shook his hand. “Ghost, huh?”

Butcher grinned and filled in the details he knew Crash was wondering about. “Yeah, we never hear him coming. He’s a sneaking son-of-a-bitch. Has a habit of appearing and disappearing like a fucking ghost.”

Crash nodded. “I see.”

Butcher stepped back, revealing the man next to him, and Skylar sucked in a sharp breath.


She hadn’t seen him standing there. She felt the blood drain from her face as she took him in for the first time in all these years. His light brown hair shot through with gold still fell just past his collar. His strong jaw was covered with a couple of day’s growth of beard, not really a full beard, more like he shaved if and when he felt like it. He had a pair of aviator sunglasses on as he squinted against the glare of the setting sun.

“This is Shades,” Butcher was continuing the introductions. “You remember him? He was prospecting when you left.”

Crash’s eyes narrowed at the reminder, and then his memory must have jogged, because he grinned. “Yeah, sure. Sorry I didn’t get to stick around and vote you in, kid. I do remember giving you hell a time or two.”

Skylar stiffened, and a tremble moved through her. Oh, God, she’d hoped he wouldn’t be here, and now she hoped he wouldn’t recognize her or maybe, not even remember her. She noticed Shades’ sunglasses move from Crash to her. Crash looked down at her, too, and she knew he saw the stricken look on her face. His eyes moved back to Shades, studying him. She could only imagine what he must be wondering, but she couldn’t think about that. All she could focus on was Shades face as he stared at her. A muscle ticked in his jaw, and it was obvious he was pissed.

Crash pulled his arm from around her and extended his hand to Shades.

Shades shook it, dragging his eyes from Skylar. “Good to see you man, it’s been a long time.” At the reference to time passing, his gaze slid meaningfully back to Skylar again.

She swallowed, praying he wouldn’t acknowledge he knew her. It was already apparent that Crash was picking up all kinds of vibes moving between the two. She was sure she reinforced it when she clutched his waist and practically hid up against his side as he released Shades hand, and his arm settled back around her, but she couldn’t help it.

He wasn’t the only one that caught the exchange and was frowning. She noticed the new guy, Ghost’s eyes moving between his brother and her, obviously wondering as well what kind of history they had.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025