Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 18


She hoped he never found out.

Butcher nodded toward the keg that sat over by the backdoor and said to Letty, “You and your friend go get yourselves something to drink while I catch up with your brother, okay, darlin’?”

Letty nodded and turned, motioning for Skylar to follow her. Crash’s arm slid from around her, but not before he gave her a questioning look that asked without words if she was okay. She gave him a shaky smile, and the two moved off.


Crash turned to catch Shades’ eyes following the girls as they walked away, or more specifically, Skylar. He’d caught the looks that had passed between them and more importantly he’d felt the way Skylar had tensed up under his brother’s scrutiny.

Butcher pulled Crash from his thoughts. “Your sister doin’ okay?”

Crash grinned, knowing he was concerned by the dreads. “She’s doing fine. She’s got a shop down in Southside, and she’s in love with some guy named, Ace.”

“You good with that?”

Crash shrugged. “Just met the dude. He seems like a good guy, but I’ll reserve judgment until I know him better.”

Butcher chuckled. “I seem to remember no guy was good enough for your sister back in the day.”

Crash grinned. “True.”

Butcher turned as two more brothers walked up. He slapped the brother next to him on the shoulder and nodded to the man next to him. “You remember Boot and Tater.”

Cole spoke up. “Hell, yeah. How are you boys?” They embraced, slapping each other’s backs.

Crash did the same.

“Slick’s inside. I know he’s anxious to see you, but he’s taking Bulldog’s death the hardest.”

They nodded.

Butcher lit up a cigar and waved it toward some other members standing off by the picnic tables and near the back door. “Lot of new members since you left. I’ll have to be sure to introduce you both around later.”

They nodded.

“How are things going around here?” Cole asked.

Butcher puffed on his cigar. “Pushing a major membership drive. Gulf Coast Chapter just started up. Lost a couple boys to it. Sent ‘em down there to keep an eye on things.”


“Some. But that’s a conversation for another time.”

“You short-handed?” Crash asked.

Butcher shrugged with a grin. “Not short-handed, per se, just pushing to be the biggest, baddest dog on the block.”

Cole grinned. “I see.”

Butcher looked between Cole and Crash. “Why don’t you boys come back home? Haven’t you had enough of that slick, West Coast life style?

Boot grinned around his smoke. “At least here you don’t have to deal with earthquakes, landslides and wild fires.”

Crash laughed. “No. You’ve just got heat, humidity and hurricanes.”

Butcher let loose a deep rumble of laughter. “True enough. True enough. But, seriously, give it some thought. We could use you two.” He looked between them. “VP position just came open.”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025