Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 61

Shades shook his head and looked at Hammer. “You’ve been tryin’ to get in Tink’s pants forever. You really think rubbin’ Ashley in her face is gonna help your chance there, Brother?”

“After three long muth-fuckin’ months of tryin’, yeah. Thought maybe it’d make her jealous. At least I’d get some kind of reaction out of her.”

Shades shook his head. “One of these days I’m gonna have to sit you down and explain women to you.”

Hammer bent down and started working on his bike. “Shit, last I heard, you weren’t doin’ much better.”

He couldn’t be more wrong, Shades thought. Which reminded him, Skylar was still upstairs waiting for him. In his bed. Naked.

Shit. He needed to get rid of these yahoos. Quick.

“Just fix your damn bike, already,” he snapped at Hammer.

The next bay over, JJ was goofing off with the air ratchet, hitting the trigger and sticking it in Griz’s face. Whir, whir, whir.

“Get that thing out of my face,” Griz growled, grabbing JJ’s arm and shoving him.

“Yeah, I hear that’s what your ol’ lady says,” JJ teased back.

“I’m gonna shove that up your ass, you little shit.”

“You couldn’t catch me, Griz. You’re too slow.”

Just then a sneeze could be heard coming from upstairs.

Ghost, who was kicked back in an old metal chair, balanced up on the two rear legs, let the chair fall to all fours with a bang. He looked over at Shades. “Well, well, well. What have you got stashed upstairs, Brother? You been keepin’ secrets?”

Shades gave him a look that said, shut your damn mouth.

Ghost only grinned, then yelled up, “Come on down, darlin’. We know you’re up there.”

Shades glared at Ghost. “I don’t think I’ve ever been as pissed at you as I am right now, Brother.”

Ghost chuckled. “Oh, sure you have.”

“You need to keep your mouth shut.”

Ghost looked at Shades and grinned. “And you need to perfect your poker face. I knew you were up to something.”

A couple of minutes later, a dressed Skylar appeared at the top of the stairs. The guys all turned their eyes to her as she started down.

“Hot damn.”

“Holy shit.”

“Um, um, um.”

“Shut up boys. Show some respect,” Shades snapped as he walked over to meet Skylar as she got to the bottom of the steps. He took her hand and helped her down the last couple of steps then pulled her close and leaned down and kissed her. Might as well lay it out for the boys right now. She was his and off limits to them all.

“We gonna be here all night?” one of his brothers grumbled, rolling his eyes. Shades glared at him over Skylar’s shoulder, not breaking the kiss.

There was a round of laughter.

Shades finally broke the kiss, letting Skylar up for air. He winked at her, and she turned to face his brothers, and they got a good look at her face. There was silence for about a split second before the shit hit the fan.

“You lucky son-of-a-bitch.” This from Gator.

“You stupid son-of-a-bitch,” Ghost corrected, realizing his brother had just broken a major fucking rule.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025