Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 62

“Wait a minute. Ain’t she Crash’s ol’ lady?” Gator asked with a frown.

“Brother, what the fuck are you doin’?” Hammer whispered.

“You messin’ around with a brother’s ol’ lady?” Heavy asked.

“She’s not his ol’ lady,” Shades protested.

“You sure about that, bro?” Spider asked.

“Tell ‘em,” Shades told Skylar.

“It’s true.”

“Need more than her word on it, Shades. You talk to Crash about this?” Griz asked.


“Then a call needs to be made.”

“He went back to California.”

“Don’t care if he went to fuckin’ California. Don’t matter if he’s eatin’ chop suey in China. You need to get this straight from him. Not her. You know that, Brother,” Griz insisted emphatically.

“Wait. What? You two are together now?” JJ asked, putting the air ratchet down and finally catching up with the conversation.

“Now we know the speed of stupid.” Hammer shook his head.

Ghost’s phone chirped, and he pulled it out and looked at it. Then he looked up at the guys. “Butcher wants to know where the fuck we all are. Let’s head out, boys.”

Griz pointed at Shades. “Clear this shit up.”

With that they all headed out to their bikes.

Ghost hung back. His fingers moved over the keys of his cell, as he sent back a reply to Butcher. Then he shoved it in his pocket. His eyes moved from Shades to Skylar and back again, and he shook his head.

“You got something to say?” Shades bit out.

“You know that moment when you give someone advice, they don’t fuckin’ take it, and then you sit back and watch everything you predicted happen? I’m havin’ one of those.”

“Just shut the fuck up.”

“I fuckin’ warned you, didn’t I?”

“She’s nobody’s ol’ lady, Ghost. I’m not repeating it again.”

“Yeah? Well the verdict’s still out on that one.”

Shades blew out a frustrated breath. “Drop it.”

Ghost nodded his head toward the bikes in the parking lot. “You comin’?”

“Yeah. You go on.”

“You bringin’ her?”

“Yeah, we’re both coming.”

“Better make that call first,” Ghost warned.

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025